New Naturalist Instructor and Leader Seminar


New Naturalist Instructor and Leader Seminar - Online Classroom

Educational session for Introduction to the Natural World Course instructors and for those assisting on field trips. Also open to those preparing for becoming a Naturalist Leader or current Naturalist Leaders

  • Casual

The Naturalist program offers a rich variety of educational and outdoor experiences, ranging from beginner-level nature walks to more advanced explorations in diverse ecosystems. As a leader or instructor, you’ll not only deepen your understanding of the natural world but also inspire others to explore, connect, and learn.

Whether you’re helping lead field trips with INW 2025, working towards your leadership badge, or have been a leader for awhile, this seminar is designed to help you identify different learning styles, teaching styles and enhance trip experience. This session is open to all leaders and those committed to instructing for INW 2025. 

Seminar Objectives

  • Discuss the styles of learning 
  • Discuss the styles of teaching
  • Explore your own styles of learning and teaching and how that impacts how you lead naturalists trips
  • Explore teaching techniques for fostering curiosity, engagement, and connection among participants.
  • Explore techniques for leading trips with different level learners

What to Expect

Presentation (40 minutes):

  • Teaching and Learning styles
  • How to engage learners of a different style than your own
  • Self assessment tools
  • Teaching strategies for effectively engaging participants in the field.

Discussion (30-45 minutes):

  • Open-floor group discussions with current naturalist leaders.
  • Field insights and experiences shared by experienced naturalist leaders.
  • Will review learning scenarios and discuss different aspects for learning and on trail safety

Our naturalist committee offers year-round opportunities to foster discovery and connection in the natural world. We’re always looking for passionate individuals eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm.

90-minute session starting at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Registration is required.

Zoom link will be sent via email the week of the class

The main presentation will be recorded and sent to participants registered. The breakout sessions will not be recorded. 

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Computer or equivalent device for zoom access

Trip Reports