Wilderness First Responder (WFR) - Seattle - 2025

First Aid Course

Wilderness First Responder

This his a "hybrid" Wilderness First Responder (WFR) course consisting of a mix of online and in-person activities, including 20-30 hours of self-paced online coursework and five days of onsite training.

Please click MORE+ and read the full course description before registering.


Wilderness First Responder (WFR) is an industry-standard 70+ hour curriculum that is considered the minimum standard for outdoor professionals working as guides, trip leaders, and outdoor educators. For more information about the WFR certification itself see About Wilderness First Responder below.

This is a “hybrid” Wilderness First Responder course with a mix of online and in-person activities including 20-30 hours of self-paced online coursework, five days of in-person hands-on training, and weekly optional Instructor Sessions that provide opportunities for students to ask questions, walk through case studies, and review assignments with instructors.

The course includes a 300-page Course Manual that can be used for reference, additional self study, etc.  Students receive a pdf version of the manual when the online portion of the class begins, and a physical copy on the first day of in-person training.

Instruction is provided by our training partner Remote Medical Training (RMT).  Upon successful completion students will receive Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and CPR (Emergency Safety Care Institute) certificates from RMT.  

This course does not include the NREMT Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certification.

Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

As per our contract with RMT, classes with fewer than 15 students may have to be canceled.

Course Format and Schedule

The course consists of a number of activities spread over approximately five weeks between April 14 and May 18.  Except for the final five in-person days of the course, all other activities are done either individually or via Zoom.

Significant Course Dates

    • Friday, April 4 at 5:00pm PDT. Course registration closes.  The Mountaineers send student registration info to RMT.
    • Week of April 7: Students register on the RMT site using info provided by RMT early in the week.
    • Friday, April 11: RMT instructors send welcome email to students with additional class info.
    • Monday, April 14 (First day of course):  Students receive links to the online training. Mandatory kickoff meeting with the instructors via Zoom 6:00pm - 7:00pm PDT.
    • Mondays April 21, April 28, May 5, and May 12: Weekly Instructor Sessions via Zoom 6:00pm - 7:00pm PDT.  These are optional but recommended.
    • Wednesday through Sunday, May 14 - 18: In-Person Training.

Certificates and Mountaineers badges are typically issued within about a week after successful course completion.

About The Online Training

Students have about four weeks (April 14 - May 13) to complete the online training, which typically requires 20 - 30 hours. Adequate progress must be confirmed (through check-ins and quizzes) prior to starting the in-class portion. 

During the online training students are encouraged to take advantage of the weekly Instructor Sessions on Monday evenings.  The Instructor Sessions provide an opportunity for students to ask questions, walk through case studies, and review assignments with instructors.

About The In-Person Training

The in-person part of the class consists of five full days of hands-on training lasting Wednesday through Sunday from 8am - 5pm, plus an evening session on Saturday from 6pm - 10pm.

  • Wednesday, May 14: 8am - 5pm
  • Thursday, May 15: 8am - 5pm
  • Friday, May 16: 8am - 5pm
  • Saturday, May 17: 8am - 5pm and 6pm - 10pm
  • Sunday, May 18: 8am - 5pm

The in-person training is based out of the Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, and consists of a mix of indoor and outdoor activities in the immediate vicinity (weather permitting).  The  instructors may choose to hold some sessions in other locations as well. If any sessions are held remotely, that decision will be announced in advance and will be made with the input of the students.

This is a non-residential course.  Students are responsible for their own food and lodging.

Cancellations and refunds

This is an expensive class for us to offer, and we are unable to issue refunds after we ourselves had made financial commitments to others.  In order to be as flexible as possible, the class has a staged refund policy as follows:

  • March 28 or earlier: 100% refund minus the standard Mountaineers cancellation fee of $10.
  • March 29 though  5pm, April 4: 50% refund minus the standard Mountaineers cancellation fee of $10.
  • After 5pm, April 4: No refunds.  

All class activities are required and must be successfully completed in order: kickoff meeting, online self-study, and all five days of in-person training. We are unable to provide make ups for any of the class activities.

About Wilderness First Responder

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) is an industry-standard curriculum consisting of 70+ hours of training, and is considered the minimum standard for outdoor professionals working as guides, trip leaders, and outdoor educators. The course is also recommended for individual adventurers venturing beyond the realm of quick and easy 911 access.

Key Topics Covered:  WFR covers legal considerations, patient assessment, lifting and moving patients, altitude, immersion, submersion, lightning, and altered mental states. The course curriculum also educates students on how to successfully manage shock, head injuries, wounds, infection, musculoskeletal and spinal injuries, respiratory and cardiac emergencies, abdominal pain, metabolic and allergic reactions, cold and heat emergencies, and more.

Course Requirements
Course Activity Date Availability Leader
Hybrid WFR Course Kickoff
Online Classroom
Mon, Apr 14, 2025
Registration closes Apr 14
20 participants
Hybrid WFR Weekly Instructor Sessions (optional)
Online Classroom
Mon, Apr 21, 2025
Registration closes Apr 21
25 participants
Online Classroom
Mon, Apr 28, 2025
Registration closes Apr 28
25 participants
Online Classroom
Mon, May 5, 2025
Registration closes May 5
24 participants
Online Classroom
Mon, May 12, 2025
Registration closes May 12
24 participants
Hybrid WFR In-Person Training
Seattle Program Center
Wed, May 14, 2025 -
Sun, May 18, 2025
Registration closes Apr 4
20 participants
Required Equipment

Gear details will be communicated by RMT instructors in the class introductory email and at the kickoff meeting.

Students should expect to bring clothing and gear typical for a day in the backcountry.

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.