Basic Alpine Climbing Course - Seattle - 2024

Climbing Course

Basic Alpine Climbing Course

Basic Alpine Climbing Course - Seattle - 2024 Please read instructions for applications below.

Welcome to the Seattle Basic Alpine Climbing course! Our beautiful Pacific NW offers a lot of great alpine places that we want to share with you. Please thoroughly read the text below before applying.

Application process and timelines

This course has many more applicants than we can accommodate. Therefore,  every applicant is added to a lottery for admission. Please use the link  below to submit your application. Timelines for the application process:

Course content:

The Basic Alpine Climbing Course is a year-long program that prepares you to be a solid and competent follower on Basic rock and glacier climbs of the Pacific Northwest. You will learn  belaying, rappelling, rope handling, low 5th class rock climbing, snow climbing, glacier travel, backcountry camping including on snow; you will get guidance on gear purchases and conditioning, and a lot more. The course is taught in a combination of class lectures, field trips, and small group instruction at the Program center and outdoors. Once you have passed the training, you are qualified to sign up as a participant for basic alpine climbs during summer climbing season. 


This course is a significant time and financial commitment:

You are expected to join seven field trips and four lectures. It is highly recommended to participate in the Monday evening training events of your small instructional group (SIG). You will also need a base level of fitness that is required to join the climbs. You will also need to complete the Navigation and Wilderness First Aid courses, as well as to attend a full day of Stewardship.

Expect to spend $500+ on climbing-specific gear on top of general backpacking equipment. You don’t need your equipment right away, and your instructors can give you guidance.

Read about Cody’s experience with the course.

Scholarships and Financial assistance

The Mountaineers are committed to making our courses accessible to everyone, regardless of your ability to pay.  We encourage students who cannot afford this course to apply for our scholarship program, which is funded by generous donors.

Please apply early for a Scholarship. Applications may take up to 2 weeks to process and financial assistance can only be applied before you register for the course.

Read more about THIS and other Climbing COURSEs here

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

See handbook under Course Materials

Course Materials
2025 Basic Alpine Climbing Handbook.pdf

Basic FT CURRICULUM 2025.pdf

Crevasse rescue 2021

Illustrated crevasse rescue, v 2021

2021 SIG Rock FT Guide.pdf

Guidance for SIG Rock Field Trip

2021 SIG Snow FT Guide.pdf

Guidance for SIG Snow Field Trip

Reporting an Overdue Climber

What is an overdue climber, and what should family/friends do if you do not return on scheduled day.

Basic Climbs Guide

A description of climbs eligible for graduation credit. 2010 is the most recent version.

Basic Alpine Course Graduation Application

On-line graduation application form. Please do not submit an application before you complete all requirements UNLESS you can not complete them before October 15 (and want 2nd year status). Use this form to apply for extensions or for a conditional graduation request.


Your survival guide to Basic Alpine Climbing


Slides for lectures

How to navigate our Mountaineers' website

Ever wondered how to navigate our Home Page, How to set up alerts and notifications on your profile for new courses, activities, seminars, and/or clinics OR Finding Courses (First Aid, Navigation shown) OR Finding Stewardship and Climbing Conditioner activities OR Finding Basic Climbs. Also includes navigating Trip Page, route description and trip reports. DO NOT FORGET TO USE CHAPTERS IN THIS VIDEO TO TAKE YOU TO DESIRED TOPIC OF YOUR INTEREST.