Experience Field Trip

Field trip: Compressed Alpine Scrambling Course

Experience Field Trip - Iron Peak

Seattle Alpine Compressed Scramble Experience Field Trip

  • *Varies*, Moderate, Strenuous, Strenuous 3, Technical 1, Technical 2
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 8.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,300 ft

This all day field trip takes place in the Bean Creek Basin area of the Cascades north of the town of Cle Elum on I-90.

 Here you will learn and practice the skills taught at the earlier field trips as part of a real live scramble trip up to the summit of one of the many peaks in the area. There is always plenty of snow and rock to practice your steep snow, self-arrest, glissading, rock scrambling, and navigation skills.

We will meet at the Beverly Creek Campground at 8:00 AM 


Iron & Teanaway Peaks

  • Green Trails Alpine Lakes East (Stuart Range) No. 208SX

    Green Trails Mt Stuart No. 209

    USGS Mount Stuart
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

See Course Handbook

Trip Reports