Olympia Branch Used Gear Sale - February 9, 2023
Do you have gently used equipment or gear to sell, or are you looking for great bargains? If yes to one or both, our Used Gear Sale is for you!
- Thu, Feb 9, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
- Olympia Hiking & Backpacking Committee
- Olympia
- iCal
Don't miss our Used Gear Sale on February 9th! It's a great opportunity for everyone, including Mountaineers students to get some needed or required items for courses. There will be lots of gear and clothing available at low prices for many activities, such as climbing, scrambling, hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing, and nordic skiing.
- The event is free and open to all, including the public.
- Arrive by 6:30 when doors open to get an early look at all the goods.
- No advance registration is needed.
- Bring cash for payment. Some sellers might accept checks or online payments (Venmo, Paypal) at their discretion. Credit or debit card payments are not accepted.
- Must be a member of The Mountaineers.
- Must register as a seller to reserve a table and pay a $15 registration fee here with this link.
- We have space for a maximum of 30 sellers.
- Items are limited to equipment and gear that can be used on Mountaineers activities: hiking and backpacking, climbing, scrambling, sea kayaking, winter travel, etc.
- Kids and adult items are welcome.
- Sellers will be allowed into the Community Center from 5:30 - 6:30 pm for set up.
- Bring a variety of bills to make change.
- You keep all proceeds from sales.
- All unsold items must be removed by 9 pm.
More information about this event…
Lacey Community Center
6729 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey 98503