Intermediate Snowshoeing Course B - Foothills (Eastside) - Jan 2019

Snowshoeing Course

Intermediate Snowshoeing

Learn the skills necessary to travel more ambitious snowshoe routes that may go through avalanche terrain and/or require the use of an ice axe.

The Intermediate (formerly Backcountry) Snowshoeing course is designed for adventurers who want to gain the skills and experience to handle more challenging snowshoe routes and terrain. Whether it's a winter backcountry vista, alpine frozen lake, or climb to the summit of a mountain, this course will take snowshoeing to the next level.

The curriculum and required co-requisites will cover material needed to travel safely and survive in the winter backcountry. Topics include winter equipment, clothing, proper use of an ice axe, self-belay and self-arrest skills, avalanche awareness including terrain and snow pack evaluation, use of beacons and companion rescue, navigation, winter route finding, winter first aid, incident response and emergency snow shelters.

Current students, after successful completion of the field trip, and graduates of the Intermediate Snowshoeing course are eligible to participate on Intermediate level snowshoe trips. Students may take two years to complete all requirements of the course, if they choose. This is definitely a more aggressively approached course, and winter conditions and destinations warrant this rigor, but as in all Mountaineers activities, safety is ALWAYS paramount.


Basic Snowshoeing (or equivalent); also open to graduates of Alpine Scrambling or Basic Climbing.

Fitness Requirements

Participants should be in good cardiovascular shape. The more challenging, steeper routes and terrain of Intermediate snowshoe trips require a greater level of fitness than Basic snowshoe trips.

Graduation Requirements

  • 1 classroom session
  • 1 all-day skills field trip
  • 2 regularly scheduled Mountaineers Intermediate snowshoe trips
  • Completion of a Stewardship activity
  • Completion of separate AIARE Level 1, Navigation and Wilderness First Aid courses

Registration for this course will enroll you in the classroom session, the field trip, and a backup field trip date. The backup field trip date will only be run if the original field trip is canceled due to weather conditions.


Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment
  • Snowshoes with side rails
  • Ice Axe
  • Helmet
  • Snow Shovel (Recommended)
  • Avalanche Beacon (Recommended)
  • Avalanche Probe (Recommended)
  • Crampons (Optional)
Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.