Seminar: Instructor Review
Instructor Review - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center
Instructor Review Make-Up Session
- Sat, Mar 1, 2025
- Everett Climbing Committee
- Climbing
- Adults
- Casual
- 1 (15 capacity)
- FULL (5 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
This is the signup for the Everett Branch Basic Climbing Course Instructor Review Make-Up. If you're a new instructor, feel like you need to brush up on your skills, or haven't attended in the last few years, this review is a requirement to help instruct. It's a good way to get back in the climbing mindset before the course starts.
Instructor Review Make-Up Session will be held concurrent with the Basic Climbing Course Fundamentals field trip. Time and details will be shared with participants prior to event.
Required Equipment
Basic rock and glacier gear. Ice axe and crampons not required.