Stop the Public Lands Heist
We need to go to bat for our public lands. An aggressive campaign, dubbed the Public Lands Heist, seeks to undermine them. While the tactics of the Heist continues to change, the end goal remains the same: to weaken our public lands until the door is open for privatization.
Originally, the Heist focused on transferring public lands from federal to state governments, where fewer protections would leave them vulnerable. As people rose up to defend their public lands, the attacks became more insidious. We are now facing bills, executive orders, and bureaucratic maneuvers, all designed to cause 'death by a thousand cuts.' Rather than play wack-a-mole on an issue-by-issue basis, we must see these threats for what they are: a well orchestrated strategy to strip Americans of their public lands.
- Selling off public lands to private parties
- Transferring national public lands to state governments to avoid conservation and multi-use mandates at the federal level
- Attacking bedrock conservation laws
- Prioritizing unchecked resource extraction at the cost of public access
- Rolling back public input in land management decisions
- Chronically underfunding public lands in an attempt to create bad user experiences that squelch citizen support
Wondering how widespread these attacks are? Below are some of the many threats we're tracking. Take a look and please join The Mountaineers and our partners as we call on lawmakers to keep public lands in public hands.
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Action Alert! Anti-Public Lands Measures Return to Congress in House Rules Changes
Last week, the new Congress doubled down on a familiar attack on our public lands through the new House rules package. Just like in 2017, it’s now easier to transfer or sell federal public lands. Learn more about this threat to our lands and waters and urge lawmakers to stand against anti-public lands attacks over the next two years.

The Many Facets Of The Public Lands Heist And The Millions Rising Up To Stop It
In this piece from our Winter 2018 edition of Mountaineers Magazine, read about the Public Lands Heist and the steps being taken to ensure that our public lands remain public.

U.S. Senator Proposes to Eliminate National Public Lands
Senator Mike Lee of Utah intends to introduce legislation that would do away with national public lands by transferring them to states. In response, we're working with our partners at Outdoor Alliance to deliver a petition to Lee and other key lawmakers. Help us reach 25,000 signatures!

State Lawmakers Hear Us Loud and Clear on SB 6140: Keep Public Lands Public
After hearing from hundreds of Washingtonians, state lawmakers removed bill provisions that would have made it easier to sell off our state's public lands.

National Park Service Board Resignations a Red Flag for Public Lands
After being frozen out of meetings and decisions for over a year, 10 out of 12 NPS board members quit in frustration. Their resignation raises serious concerns about the future of our national public lands.

National Monuments: Where We’re At and What’s Ahead
Recently the president signed a proclamation to drastically reduce two of our national monuments in southeast Utah. Check out what this means for The Mountaineers, public lands, and the outdoor experience.

Speak Up: Proposed National Park Fee Increase Would Price Out Many
The National Park Service is considering a fee increase in 17 parks, including Mount Rainier and Olympic. Under the proposal, vehicle entrance fees would rise from $25 to $70 per day. A public comment period is underway.

New Bill Aims to Dismantle the Antiquities Act
Congress is fast-tracking a bill that would tear down the Antiquities Act, the bedrock conservation law that presidents from both parties have used to protect many of our most beloved wild places.

Leaked Report Kicks Off Whirlwind Week for National Monuments
The Secretary of the Interior's leaked memo reveals recommendations to alter or reduce ten National Monuments, drawing criticism from a variety of stakeholders.

Public Says Keep National Monuments. Will Department of the Interior Agree?
Americans voiced tremendous support for our public lands during the open comment period of the National Monument review. Now, it's the Department of the Interior's move.

Experiencing Hanford Reach National Monument - A Trip Downriver with John Roskelley
In this open letter, Mountaineers Books author John Roskelley shares why paddling the Hanford Reach should be on your Washington Bucket List and how you can speak up for your National Monuments currently under review.

An Open Letter on Bears Ears & Protecting National Monuments
"Too wild, too sacred, too extraordinary." In this open letter, Mountaineers Books author Dave Showalter shares why the National Monuments under review should remain intact.

Take a Stand for Bears Ears and All of Our National Monuments
The Department of the Interior is taking public comments as they weigh the future of our treasured National Monuments. Let's make our voices heard on behalf of Bears Ears and all the monuments under threat.

Executive Order Targets Two Decades of Public Lands Protections
A new executive order calls into question national monument designations and raises concerns about the future of the Antiquities Act.

Protect BLM Lands: Public Planning Process Under Threat
New congressional action looks to take the public out of public lands management. S.J. Res 15 and H.J. Res. 44 would repeal a crucial regulation that increases citizen participation in the management of BLM lands.

House Rules Change Devalues Our Public Lands
The 115th Congress spent the first day of its new session making it easier to sell off our public lands. We need your voice to speak to the intrinsic and economic value of our public lands for us and future generations.

Outdoor Enthusiasts Take The Hill
Last month The Mountaineers took part in a huge group effort to visit the other Washington to advocate on behalf of outdoor enthusiasts.

Public Lands for All - Take Action to Keep our Public Lands Public
We believe our national public lands are one of our greatest resources. A growing movement is threatening the special places where we go to experience nature. Learn more and take action.

The end of access? An inside look at the implications of privatizing our national forests.
In the mounting battle to keep public lands in public hands, certain voices have been louder than others. Here's an interview with a Forest Service Program Manager on her perspective on the public land heist.

5 Things You Should Know About the Public Lands Heist
A campaign to transfer public lands to state control threatens hundreds of millions of acres of national forests, rangelands, wildlife refuges, wilderness areas and historic sites across the Western US.