Conserve the Mountains to Sound Greenway

Conserve the Mountains to Sound Greenway

Our voices helped protect 1.5 million acres of land, extending from the Seattle waterfront to Ellensburg. On March 12, a sweeping public lands package was signed into law, which included a measure to designate the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area. 

Designating the Greenway as a National Heritage Area demonstrates a tremendous commitment to the recreational haven we're so lucky to have in Seattle's backyard. We'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who answered calls-to-action on behalf of this issue. Achievements like this require the constant voice of public lands champions. You all helped highlight the importance of the outdoor experience to legislators, and they listened.


There’s one last thing we can do to ensure future conservation successes: Thank our legislators for a job well done and for protecting public lands. Use the easy action tool below to send your representatives a note of appreciation.


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How the Great American Outdoors Act is Making a Difference for Washington’s Public Lands

How the Great American Outdoors Act is Making a Difference for Washington’s Public Lands

Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) funding is continuing to benefit Washington's public lands by bringing to life much-needed projects to restore and maintain popular trails, roads, and other recreation amenities. More than three years after being signed into law, we share the latest updates on current GAOA projects in the Mountains to Sound Greenway and the Mount Baker area, and look ahead to reauthorization of this landmark funding program.

Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area Update

Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area Update

In 2019, you helped secure a local conservation victory when the Mountains to Sound Greenway was designated a National Heritage Area. The Greenway Trust is now asking for public input on their recently-released draft management plan. Learn more about the plan and how you can help shape the final version.

It's Official: Public Lands Package Signed into Law!

It's Official: Public Lands Package Signed into Law!

Over the years, members of our greater community took action 5,237 times to help champion causes included in the public lands package. These measures have now become law. Thank you for making your voice heard and staying the course!

Public Lands Package Passes the House - Set to Become Law

Public Lands Package Passes the House - Set to Become Law

The outdoor experience scored a major win with the passage of the public lands package. Check out what this sweeping legislation means for Washington State and beyond.

Take Action: Public Lands Package Passes the Senate, Moves on to the House

Take Action: Public Lands Package Passes the Senate, Moves on to the House

The Senate passed a sweeping public lands package, which includes key measures for the Pacific Northwest. Now it's time to ask the House of Representatives to move the package forward.

Two Key Washington State Public Lands Bills Advance in Senate

Two Key Washington State Public Lands Bills Advance in Senate

Good news for the Mountains to Sound Greenway and the Methow Valley! Bills to protect these landscapes passed through the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

Mountains to Sound Greenway Comes to Life for Congressional Staffers

Mountains to Sound Greenway Comes to Life for Congressional Staffers

Congressional staffers joined us for a hike complete with incredible views of the Mountains to Sound Greenway. Our outing was a great opportunity for us to showcase one of the landscapes the staffers are working to protect.

Update: Mountains to Sound Greenway Legislation Gets a Hearing

Update: Mountains to Sound Greenway Legislation Gets a Hearing

The Senate held a hearing on The Greenway National Heritage Area Bill, an important step forward for legislation seeking to preserve 1.5 million acres of land in western Washington.

Protect the Greenway - Write your Legislators Today

Protect the Greenway - Write your Legislators Today

In order for National Heritage Area designation of the Mountains to Sound Greenway to proceed, the bill's champions need to hold a hearing. Contact them today to encourage them to do so.

Greenway National Heritage Area Introduction

Greenway National Heritage Area Introduction

Last month we encouraged you to sign a petition in support of the Mountains to Sound Greenway being designated as a National Heritage Area. Over 3,000 of you gave your support, and we are excited to announce that legislation was introduced yesterday in the House and Senate!

Celebrate Earth Day by Speaking Up for Mountains to Sound Greenway!

Celebrate Earth Day by Speaking Up for Mountains to Sound Greenway!

You can help protect 1.5 million acres of our own backyard playground. Please celebrate Earth Day by signing the Mountains to Sound Greenway petition.