Spring is an exciting time at The Mountaineers as people from all backgrounds and experience levels turn to us to seek outdoor education. Many of our most popular adult courses are underway or wrapping up. Kids in our after-school programs are finally getting some long, sunny afternoons to learn and play outside. The activity calendar is filling rapidly, and the latest guidebooks are flying off the shelves as people gear up for summer.
Spring is also when we turn to our community to support our mission. We rely on donations to maximize the impact of volunteer-led outdoor education in the PNW and beyond. We’re hoping to raise $55,000 this month and, thanks to the incredible success of GiveBIG, we are just over half way there! Will you make a gift to help The Mountaineers lead innovation in outdoor education?
When you donate to The Mountaineers, you become part of a continued legacy of community-based education to increase accessibility for all who wish to enjoy and protect the outdoor experience. Donors like you provide 100% of the funding for the Leadership Development Series and Leadership Development Fund, where volunteers can access professional development through The Mountaineers and other organizations. Donations help retain some of our most skilled climb leaders through the Alpine Ambassadors program. And donations help amplify the values and expertise of our community through nonprofit publishing.
Donations of all sizes move us toward our vision of accessible outdoor education through leadership development.
- $50 thanks and supports a Super Volunteer (someone who volunteers 150+ hours per year) with an annual trailhead parking pass.
- $100 provides a day of advanced technical training for a volunteer in our Alpine Ambassadors program.
- $250 provides professional training on topics like risk assessment, emotional safety, or group dynamics for volunteers through our Leadership Development Series.
- $1,000 gets two Mountaineers trip leaders certified as Wilderness First Responders through our Leadership Development Fund.
May matching donation challenge
In an effort to promote sustaining gifts, a long-time Mountaineers member has offered a match challenge: for each new monthly donation we secure in May, they will add an additional one-time donation of $500, up to $5,000! We’re looking for at least ten people this month to commit to a monthly donation of any size to unlock the matching funds.
In addition to seeing our outdoor community thrive as a result of your generosity, we also have a special gift for new monthly donors. If you set up a monthly donation of $25 or more, we’ll send you a set of adventure journals to document your excursions, with plenty of blank space for your inner artist or poet. Did you set up a recurring payroll donation? No problem! Send your confirmation email to development@mountaineers.org.
May is a season of grassroots support at The Mountaineers – every year, hundreds of Mountaineers members make spring gifts at all levels in support of our vision to Adventure with Purpose. The Mountaineers® is a 501(c)(3) organization supported through earned revenue and elevated through charitable contributions. Tax ID:27-3009280. 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115.