Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Arrowhead Mountain

Snowshoe ascent of Arrowhead in eight hours car-to-car in sunny and cold weather.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Once we left hwy 2 the entire trip was on snow.  The snow is crusty on top but not icy and is ideal for snowshoeing.  We brought crampons and axes but generally did not need them, although one participant used crampons briefly.  Two participants ascended on skis, but the skiing in the trees on the crusty surface was not very good.  At higher elevations the snow was softer.  Summit views were incredible.

We parked on the South side of hwy 2 near MP 73 on a large shoulder.  We started at 8:45 AM, walked West along the hwy until crossing Nason creek, then hiked a short distance on an old road, then followed the train tracks East for about a mile until we reached a MP sign and the start of the NE ridge of Arrowhead.  A train passed us as we walked next to the tracks - stay alert!  Then we followed old tracks up the ridge, often straight up, for three thousand feet.  At times the slope is steep but mostly it is of moderate angle.  We had great weather: lots of sun, no wind, 12 F to start and a high of 22 F during the day.  From 5000' onwards we followed the ridge West to the summit in the sun.  We saw tracks of a grouse and a snow hare.  I also saw one grouse.  We made the summit just after 1:00 PM and departed at 1:45 PM, returning to the cars at 4:45 PM.  The group was strong and had good pace.