
Trip Report    

Meany Lodge Snowshoe - peaks to the west of the Sno-Park

At the end of the snowshoe, there was some questions about the two peaks visible to the west of the parking lot at the Sno-Park. Based on the compass bearings I shot, I believe the peak on the left is Tinkham Peak - East and the peak on the right was Silver Peak.

  • Snow and ice on road

We had great weather for this snowshoe trip to Meany Lodge with sunny skies and the temperature around 8 degrees with only an occasional breeze.  The trail was well marked with only 2 inches of fresh powder atop about 50 inches of snow pack.  This was my first trip here so I really didn't know what to expect.  Overall, it was good experience but the pace was a little faster than expected.  We arrived at Meany Lodge in about 2 hours, covering 3.5 miles along the way.    After soup and sandwiches for lunch, we departed Meany Lodge at 1:30 pm and returned to the Sno-Park around 3:30 pm taking a slightly different route.  Overall, this is a beautiful area to explore in the winter and I encourage others to give this a try.  The folks at Meany Lodge are courteous and always welcoming.