Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Navaho Pass

Strenuous hike on a hot day with only dappled shade, but the views along the way, the wildflowers, and the magnificent view from the top of the pass made it worth it!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

The last 2.5 miles to the trailhead was gravel, but in good shape with not too many potholes, and suitable for any vehicle. 

The trail was in pretty good shape. It was dry and dusty on the bottom half, and the upper half had loose rocks which took more care. There were three or four tree blowdowns on the trail, but only one took more than a second to step over, and even that one was not too bad. There were a few small stream crossings, but they could be easily crossed on stepping stones without getting wet feet and without boots or waterproof shoes. Since the trail follows Stafford Creek water is available if you need to resupply and filter it. The last water source is about half a mile from the pass. And that is a good thing because it was a hot day and while tree cover gave ~80% shade at the beginning of the trail, that shade coverage steadily decreased until the last half mile when there is zero shade. The breaks in the trees did make the views better and better as we progressed up towards the pass. The other thing that got more plentiful as we increased in elevation was wildflowers! They were spotty to be sure, rather than constant, but in some places there were carpets of them! The last section of the trail was steeper and exposed, but by then you’re in the home stretch, and the view from the pass is worth it! The Mount Stuart range opens before you, and the Stafford Creek valley in the opposite direction. There are a couple of trees for some sparse shade  while you rest and take in the views. 

Bugs were a little but if an annoyance when we stopped for too long near a stream crossing and when we stopped and got out food, but were not too bad 

Pit toilet at the trailhead, but no toilet paper, so BYO.