
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Margaret's Way / Debbie's View

Seven of us had glorious January weather on Squak Mountain including great conversations and peeks through the fog at Debbie's View. Lots of people (and dogs) were out enjoying the dry weather. More please!

  • Sat, Jan 11, 2025
  • Margaret's Way
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The only reason I give this a 4-stars is the parking lot was just about completely full when we arrived at 8:45. On nice winter weekends, expect lots of people. Fortunately, they were all pretty spread out on the trail. Trail is in great shape, no under-overs anywhere. We could still see evidence of new fall-downs from recent windstorms but King County/WTA have done a great job clearing the trail.sun-trail-forest-2.jpg

Seven of us met at 8:45 and started our trip at 9 sharp, finding a nice walking patch between other large groups starting around the same time. No parking permits needed. Bird species included a red-breasted sapsucker (below for id)

sun-trail-forest-3.jpgtons of golden-crowned kinglets, a towhee and a downy woodpecker among the seven species.

Not a drop of rain, just some dripping from the trees. Most participants had trekking poles. Some hikers were calling out "bear" but that may have just been practice, we didn't see, hear, or note any evidence of any.  Round trip was 3:40 with about a half hour for breaks. Nice outing with good conversation.