Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Dirty Harry's Peak

Of close-in, high-elevation local hikes, DHP is such a great way to avoid crowds. Be ready to cross streams when snow's melting.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Be ready for mud, slightly challenging stream crossings.

4 due to fog in morning, on top, blocking views.

For a close-in hike with significant altitude gain, and avoiding crowds, DHP is best IMO. We saw a grand total of 3 other people past DHB (Dirty Harry's Balcony) and probably maybe ~15 total on and below the balcony. 

Yes, it was a weekday, with fog and clouds in the morning, but still. No doubt there were significantly more people on Si and Mailbox today. 

Just a few snow patches off the trail at the summit. But there are some muddy spots and stream crossings where we were glad to have poles. 

There were bugs but not biting. I didn't apply bug juice even though it was handy. 

A few pics here