Trip Report
Day Hike - Big Creek
Beautiful Spring day on this snowy trail!
- Sun, Apr 14, 2024
- Day Hike - Big Creek
- Big Creek Loop
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The Big Creek trail is in excellent condition. The Mt. Ellinor trail was also in good shape with one down tree that was easy to step over. Patchy snow began soon after the lower Ellinor trail entrance, and gradually increased to a few feet deep as we approached the Summer/Winter junction. There was a mostly good boot path in the snow, but we had to make sure we stayed in the beaten tracks to avoid post-holing. Temps were not cold and not warm, so the snow remained fairly firm and microspikes helped. It'll soften quickly though as the days pass, and post-holing will become an issue on the higher stretches of trail.
We did a counter-clockwise loop on the Big Creek trail and stopped for a snack at the "Rlook" before reaching the Ellinor junction. From there our goal was the Summer/Winter trail junction. We were surprised by the amount of snow still on the upper trail, which turned into about 3 feet or more close to our destination. On our way up we met several parties returning after their ascent of Ellinor and they all reported a successful climb and fun glissade down. Most of them did note, however, that the chute was melting out quickly and flowing water could be heard in some spots. The winter route may not be safe much longer.
I recorded slightly under 12 miles rt and 3,500' gain in 7.5 hours, including breaks. It was a fun and challenging hike on a gorgeous day with wonderful companions!