
Trip Report    

Backcountry Ski/Snowboard - Crystal Mountain Backcountry

Enjoyable outing with reasonable snow conditions

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Easy skinning conditions -- Generally good snow conditions with variability  depending on wind exposure or wind sheltering.

From the base to the top of Quicksilver the groomed snow wasn't icy,  so we had good traction.   The Quicksilver chair wasn't running, so we didn't have to dodge lift served skiers.   Snow conditions in the Backcountry were consistent with NWAC's reports and it's low hazard prediction.    Quick tests along the way  confirmed the expected conditions.     We did observe wind effects in open areas,  but didn't observe unstable pockets of wind transported snow.    We found the most enjoyable skiing condintion in wind sheltered areas in larger timber.      Wind kept us cool on the ascent.    We took a lunch break in the shelter of trees  at the bottom of lap one.   One of team got out his stove and made coffee during the lunch break.    At the bottom of lap two we noticed that the wind had dropped and the temperature had risen a few degrees.    at the top of lap three we had a discussion about how the rise in temperature might effect snow conditions.  We reached a consensus that because the temperature was still below freezing (29F) that  this wouldn't significantly effect stability or conditions.     We chose to ski in more open areas and this was disappointing as snow had more wind packing in the open areas and was a little crusty.    After returning to inbounds terrain -- three of us headed to the Snorting Elk and four folks headed for home.