Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Stillaguamish Peak

another fine boeing day trip :>)

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

another fine boeing day trip :>)

quick and dirty route info: park at dickerman parking lot, hike perry creek trail leave trail at 4634', ascend easy terrain uphill to gain the climber's trail at 4775', head w on climber's trail to summit. (there are many places to leave the perry creek, including hiking it up to the intersection with the stillaguamish climber's trail at ~4980'. after doing both, i can say leaving at 4634' the best option - shorter, less gain and easy open terrain.)

13.10mi 4630' gain
5:38 car to summit
4:28 summit to car
10:06 car to car

stillaguamish 7-27-2024 route.JPG