Snoqualmie River (Middle Fork - Upper): Dingford Creek to MF Trailhead

Also known as the bottom section of Upper Upper, this section starts with great read and run class III with recovery sections for about half a mile, followed by a short braided section before the river gets much calmer and becomes class II+.


  • <800 CFS: not recomended
  • 800 - 1,200 CFS:  low but runnable
  • 1,200 - 2,000 CFS:  prime runnable
  • 2,000 - 3,000 CFS: pushy but runnable


  • Middle Fork Trailhead:  Take Exit 34 off I-90 and drive north on 468th Ave past the truck stop. In 0.5 miles, turn right onto Middle Fork Road. Start your trip odometer and watch for milepost signs. Continue on the road to mile 11.5 and Middle Fork Campground. There are several large parking lots and toilets. Consolidate into high-clearance vehicles for the rocky road ahead to the put in.  From the river, shortly after the Taylor River comes in from the right you will come to Gateway Bridge at the Middle Fork Trailhead. The take out is on the downstream side of the footbridge on river left. There is a use trail up to the bridge.
  • Bridge View: From the road, about 1/10th mile before reaching Middle Fork Trailhead, there is a small pull out on the right for 2 to 3 vehicles. This is the quickest and most convenient access. From the river, shortly down stream of the Middle Fork Trailhead bridge, on river right where the river makes a left turn.


  • Dingford Creek:  From the take out, cross the Taylor River.  Within 100 yards the Middle Fork Road turns off to the right and heads up a short hill (it's easy to miss this turnoff. If you continue straight past the bathrooms on the spur road you will soon reach a gated dead end). From this point on the road is in very poor condition. You could conceivably make it in a car, but a high clearance vehicle is strongly recommended. At road mile 14.8 you will see a small pull-out marked by large rocks and a trail that leads about 100 yards into the river. This is a short scenic class II run or an alternate put-in for the Upper Middle. To reach the Dingford Creek trailhead, continue on to the parking lot at road mile 18.6 (just before the gate). There is a short trail down to a footbridge across the Middle Fork. Access is on river right. There is room for many vehicles and a pit toilet.  It is worth the short 1-2 minute walk to the bridge and views of the impressive Dingford Falls, a very popular canyoning route. 


This section starts with great read and run class III with recovery sections for about half a mile. As you approach Cripple Creek the river flows through a braided section of about 1/3 of a mile you may need to portage. After Cripple Creek enters from the left the river gets much calmer and becomes class II+. The river is enjoyable for the last couple miles above the Taylor River confluence. This section is definitely worth checking out on sunny days in spring as you will be treated to stunning views of Mt. Garfield. 


  • Avg. Gradient:  40 feet/mile
  • The section above Dingford Creek, a 1.1 mile section from Wildcat Creek to Dingford Creek, is class IV+ and drops 120 feet/mile.
  • The section above Wildcat Creek, from Burnboot Creek to Wildcat Creek, is described as predominantly a flat portage hell after a short class III section at the start, as it drops 70 feet/mile.
  • This route can be combined with Upper Middle Fork Snoqualmie River for a longer run.  
  • Learn more on American Whitewater's Snoqualmie, Snoqualmie, Middle Fork 2 Burnboot Creek to Taylor River web page.
  • Difficulty: Class III River
  • Length: 5.7 mi
  • Land Manager: Land Manager Varies
    Middle Fork Snoqualmie National Wild and Scenic River, Snoqualmie Ranger District (MBSNF)
  • Parking Permit Required: see Land Manager
  • Recommended Party Size: 7
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
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  • Upper Upper Middle Fork Snoqualmie River

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