Hyak Lake, Nordic Pass, Windy Pass & Mount Catherine


Cross-country Ski - Mount Catherine Loop

We will earn our stripes by skiing up under our own power. This involves an 850-foot gain over 2.5 km, on the marked uphill route. We will go in a Counter Clockwise direction. It is 16 km total for the loop.

  • G-XC 3 Intermediate Groomed, G-XC 4 Advanced Groomed
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 10.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,200 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 3,800 ft

Email leader for permission prior to registering with the following information:  have you done any 15+ km days on Nordic skis in the past 2 seasons, have you done any steep ascents such as Challenger using herringbone or side-stepping?

Participants must be confident in their uphill technique and stamina, have an efficient diagonal glide, be able to double-pole, snowplow and half-snowplow for a sustained downhill.  Participants must be able to thermoregulate - control sweating and adjust clothing layers as needed to stay dry and warm over a long day. 

A trail map and grooming report are available on the Nordic Report page of Snoqualmie Summit.  The tentative plan, weather and conditions permitting, is below. 

From near the bottom of East Peak Chair, we will take the MT trail up to Union Station, gaining 850 feet of elevation over 2.5 km. This took 45 minutes my last trip.  From Union Station we will take 14F over to Grand Junction where we can warm up inside the warming hut, adjust clothing, and take a snack and water break.

From Grand Junction, we will Trail 7 to the back side of Mt. Catherine and Windy Pass. If there is good visibility and a collective desire, we may do Trail 8 to the View Point at Windy Acres, which adds a few kilometers and 600 feet of gain. 

If it is open, we will stop at the Jim Brooks Warming Hut for another break, or stop at a bench.  From Windy Pass, we will then layer up, put on windbreakers, thick gloves, and balaclavas, for the 1,200 foot descent down Trail 17. We will stop at the warming hut and bathroom on the common corridor which is about 1/2 way down. 

If conditions warrant, we will shortcut the route and come down Hidden Valley instead. This would make for a roughly 12km day and descent down a black trail. Those who don't want to ski down the steep section can walk down. 

Hyak Upper Parking lot 7:45am. We will arrive early enough before any resort skiers. Parking permit required. I can take 2 passengers.

We will start one hour before the ski lifts open in order to avoid downhill skiers on our way up. The uphill route crosses downhill trails at several intersections.  Lifts open at 9am. 

We will start on our way up before the Nordic Center opens.  Those who do not have a season pass will need to purchase a day use ticket online or after we get down. 


Hyak Lake, Nordic Pass, Windy Pass & Mount Catherine

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Classic cross-country skis, poles, and boots (I will use metal edge skis)
  • Drinking water, snacks, lunch
  • Windbreaker and extra, dry top layers for the downhill
  • Balaclava or face mask for the downhill
  • Extra dry pair of gloves and mittens or two extra pairs 
  • UV Eye protection (polarized recommended)
Trip Reports