Volunteer Success Stories
Innovation in a changing world
As our community adapts to a new way of gathering together and learning, we're collecting ideas, tips, and how-to's to help you be successful.
We've already seen many creative ideas from volunteers who are thinking outside the box. Looking for inspiration? Just take a look at our Virtual Events & Activities Calendar. We've seen volunteers move traditional courses online or use a blended format of online content to supplement future in person activities. Some are creating video content and others are reframing the entire structure of their courses by reducing groups into smaller sizes, running compressed or intensive versions, and flexing their course dates and locations.
If you are looking for ways to run your programming consider using one or more of these ideas. Now is the perfect time to try something new and shake things up. There are many ways you can innovate to adapt to this changing world. We've already seen many success stories and we can't wait to see yours!
Have something to add? Email Sara Ramsay to add a blog or other resource.
Recent Events & Activities
This is sampling of several successful events, activities, and courses facilitated online. For an overview of all past and upcoming programs, please view our Virtual Events & Activities Calendar.
Beta & Brews
Beta & Brews is a casual event for Mountaineers climbers to share beta from a favorite climb while enjoying a beverage. Seattle Climbing Committee volunteers reformatted this popular in-person event to a digital format through Zoom. The weekly event has regularly exceeded 100 attendees and is marketed through Mountaineers social media and the events & activities email. Feedback from participapants has been resoundingly positive, and they have specifically mentioned appreciating being able to connect with others via the Zoom chat feature. Attendance is free and donation encouraged. See event.
Backpacker's Pajama Parties
This new event is an opportunity for Mountaineers backpackers to share pictures, stories, and trip beta from popular destinations around the PNW. Foothills Backpacking Committee volunteers host these fun and casual sessions through Zoom. The weekly event has regularly exceeded 100 attendees and is marketed through Mountaineers social media and the events & activities email. Attendance is free. See event.
Digital Navigation and Trip Planning
An 8-week virtual course hosted through a combination of Zoom and Google Classrooms. Hosted by Travis Prescott and the Foothills Navigation Committee, this course has been offered several times over the past year and has proved to be a successful format. Course fee is $30. See course.
Birding in Quarantine: Maximizing Your Fun and Relaxation
A 4-week virtual course to learn about birding, with an emphasis on birds found in the PNW - many of which you might see out the window of your home. Hosted by Tom Bancroft and the Seattle Naturalists Committee. Course fee is $100. See course.
Everett Alpine Scrambling Committee - Ropes Seminar & Google CLassroom
- Scrambling Rope Techniques Seminar: Leader Brian Booth is breaking their popular Scrambling Rope Techniques Workshop into two components - an online lecture and an in-person skill check. Seminar is free. See activity.
- Course Lectures in Google Classrooms: Brian Booth also created a pre-recorded presentation of their "Signing up for Scrambling Trips" lecture and posted it to Google Classrooms for testing and review by committee members. They also plan migrate presentations on the Ten Essentials, Fitness & Conditioning, and Nutrition & Hydration to this platform. Contact Brian Booth if you'd like to learn more or view their test course!
Stay Fit and Flatten the Curves!
A twice-weekly virtual training session for Mountaineers looking to train for the alpine climbing season. Hosted by Dan Greenfield and the Seattle Climbing Committee. Attendance is free. See activity.
Blog Posts

Artist Point Hike
Looking for moments of peace close to the beautiful blue skies above. I found a cozy spot at the last pond at Artist Ridge.

How To: Virtual Event Best Practices
Virtual events have become an essential part of keeping in touch with our Mountaineers communities. Here we share best practices from start to finish to make your upcoming event a success.

Introducing the Virtual Education Center & Calendar
We're excited to invite you to check out our new Virtual Education Center, your home base for accessing all of our great virtual learning tools! Find activities, events, and classes held online and browse our educational resources for skills and more.