Navigation Activity #4 of 4 - Field Trip

Field trip: Wilderness Navigation Course - Winter

Navigation Activity #4 of 4 - Field Trip - Heybrook Lookout & Ridge

Wilderness Navigation Field Trip - Heybrook Ridge

  • Moderate
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 900 ft

Muncer property near MP 38 on US 2, 6:45 a.m. Details distributed during the Workshop.  Details are also in the Field Trip Student Info Binder in the Course Materials tab of the course page.

Before you can sign up for this Field Trip as a student,  first sign up and pay for the Basic Navigation Course and schedule the prerequisite components -- the Online Map and Compass course, the Online Introduction to Digital Navigation course, and the In-Person Workshop.  All three of those components MUST be finished before the field trip. Instructors do not need to pay the fee for the course.  

Field Trip Details:
This is a full day event on a Saturday or Sunday on Heybrook Ridge near the town of Index, WA. Carpooling is strongly encouraged because we'll be parking on private land with very limited space.  Please specify your carpool preferences in your personal profile.


  1. You'll need to be in reasonable physical condition since you'll be gaining about 1800 ft of elevation (roughly half the elevation for Mount Si) and hiking 6.4 miles with 1.25 miles being off trail. 
  2. Bring the Required Equipment. Come prepared as you would for a scramble or hike in varied weather, but please leave the technical gear (helmet, ice axe, etc) at home. Bring over-the-ankle high-top boots, a waterproof outer layer, warm clothes in layers, the 10 essentials, lunch, etc. The Field Trip Student Packet within the Course Materials tab, and also the Required Equipment tab provides more information. 
  3. Review the Field Trip packet.  This is in the Course Materials tab of the Course listing. We will hand out a hard copy at the In-Person Workshop. 
  4. Bring your compass. Unfortunately you can't share a compass with someone during the Field Trip.  
  5. Bring a GPS and Altimeter - Smartphone with Gaia GPS and standalone altimeter or the altitude function within Gaia GPS.
  6. Bring both of the maps you used in the Workshop (USGS Baring and USGS Index). Unfortunately you can't share maps with someone during the Field Trip. Fold your maps to the area where we'll be (Heybrook Ridge), and put each map into its own gallon ziplock bag. 
  7. Bring a sharp pencil.
  8. Complete the pre-trip planning document from the eLearning Workshop and leave a copy at home.

As students leave the workshops, you should be prepared for the field trip with the following:

  • Basic Trip Plan completed
  • Know where and when to be at the field trip, and what to bring.
  • Hard copy map of field trip area on hand.  USGS is best, with Caltopo or Gaia paper map printed as backup or to provide to other hikers.
  • Current declination set on the compass and confirmed.
  • Altimeter use & limitations are understood. Ready to calibrate at trailhead.
  • Smartphone loaded with Gaia GPS, and also loaded with Route/Track, Waypoints, Map.
  • Emergency communications procedures and devices are understood.
  • GPS device checked and ready ( batteries, charge, screen display, weather proofing...)
  • Emergency communications on hand (minimum whistle)

Come prepared to instruct students who likely have a wide range of experience:

  1.  Bring your "Instructor Field Trip" packet.  If you haven't obtained one at a recent workshop, one can be emailed to you before the field trip.  We will also have paper copies at the field trip.  
  2.  Review the "Student Field Trip" packet as well, particularly for driving directions. It  is available in "Course Materials" on the course page.
  3. Bring your compass, GPS, Altimeter and maps. If you don't have the USGS maps, check with the course director or activity lead for information about printing your own map of the Heybrook Ridge area.



Heybrook Lookout & Ridge

  • USGS Baring

    USGS Index

    Green Trails Index No. 142

    Green Trails Alpine Lakes West (Stevens Pass) No. 176S
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

See the Required Equipment tab on the Course Page, along with checklists included within the eLearning Workshop and in the Field Trip Student Packet.  The Field Trip Student Packet is also available in the Course Page, within the Course Materials tab..

Trip Reports