CHS 2 Hike - Perry Creek

Field trip: Conditioning Hiking Series

CHS 2 Hike - Perry Creek

Hike up a basin beneath the towering cliffs of Mt. Dickerman. The basin contains rare plants, old growth trees and heather meadows. We’ll pass magnificent falls and have views of Big Four, Glacier Peak, Mt. Pugh and Mt. Forgotten. The trail concludes at beautiful Forgotten Meadows. CHS hike led at a CHS 2 pace (2.0-3.0 mph)

  • Moderate
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 11.4 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,550 ft
  • Pace: 2.0-2.4 mph




Perry Creek & Mount Forgotten

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Ten Essential Systems

  1. Navigation (map & compass)
  2. Sun protection (sunglasses & sunscreen)
  3. Insulation (extra clothing)
  4. Illumination (headlamp/flashlight)
  5. First-aid supplies
  6. Fire (waterproof matches/lighter/candle)
  7. Repair kit and tools
  8. Nutrition (extra food)
  9. Hydration (extra water)
  10. Emergency shelter (tent/plastic tube tent/garbage bag)
Trip Reports