Scenario Day

Field trip: Climbing Self Rescue II

Scenario Day - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Opportunity for students to demonstrate their new rescue skills by performing a leader rescue in a vertical setting.

  • Sun, Oct 22, 2023
  • Seattle Climbing
  • Climbing
  • Adults
  • Easy

9:00am in the South Plaza.

Students will perform the full leader rescue scenario safety and without support. There will be plenty of time before getting on to the wall to practice on the ground or in low angle terrain.

If time provides, students will have opportunity to practice under more complicated circumstances, such as a traverse pitch, overhanging route, or with a damaged rope.

The day will run from 8:30am to roughly 3:30pm.


Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Gear you'd take on a multi pitch rock climb, but as a reference:

  • Guide Mode capable belay device (such as the Black Diamond ATC Guide or Petzl Reverso)
  • At least two cordelettes
  • A couple alpine draws (both single length and double length)
  • Rappel backup 
  • At least 4 lockers plus one larger locker. More definitely won’t hurt!
  • Any extra carabiners you need for keeping your gear organized on your harness. If you drop something, it's gone and you will have to puzzle things out without it!
  • Harness
  • Your preferred rappel extension method
  • Helmet
  • Rescue loop or autoblock
  • A prusik loop or two
Trip Reports