Basic Climbing Instructor Meeting - 2024 Course
- Fri, Jan 5, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 08:30 PM
- Olympia Basic Alpine Climbing
- Olympia
- iCal
This is an informational meeting and a chance to connect with instructors and course leaders. There will not be a skill review at this event. Light refreshments will be provided so come and join us for a night to talk about the course and goals for 2024!
All Basic Climbing Course graduates are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Not sure you have the time you can commit to instruct/volunteer in 2024?
That's okay, you can attend to meet other instructors and leaders. There is no commitment if you join this meeting.
Are you reengaging with Basic Climbing and need to refresh your skills?
That's fine too, we can work with you to get up-to-date on how skills are taught and practiced before you instruct. We also ensure you are paired with a current/experienced instructor at field trips.