Lecture: Staying Found: On-Trail Navigation
Staying Found Fundamentals of On-Trail Navigation: Online Workshop - Online Classroom
This required seminar provides essential instruction on the use of a topographic map, compass and other tools and an active awareness of the terrain around you to stay found on the trail.
- Tue, May 14, 2024
- Foothills Navigation Committee
- Navigation
- Adults
- Casual
- 38 (64 capacity)
- 12 (20 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
This 2.5 hour online seminar, required to graduate from Staying Found, provides essential instruction on the use of a topographic map, compass and other tools and an active awareness of the terrain around you to stay found on the trail.
Required Equipment
- Compass with adjustable declination (see http://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/compass-declination.html, http://www.thecompassstore.com/comwitaddec.html)
- Green Trails Tiger Mountain map #204S (see link in 'Recommended Books' below) - a printable copy will be emailed to students in advance of the session.