December Winter Conditioning Runs: 4-6 miles

Field trip: Winter Trail Running Conditioning Series

December Winter Conditioning Runs: 4-6 miles - Little Si & Boulder Garden Loop

Winter Trail Running Conditioning Course runs from 4-6 miles. You will need to complete 2 course runs per month over Dec, Jan and Feb to graduate.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,640 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 1,490 ft
  • Pace: avg 3.5 mph

Meet at 9 am in the Little Si *main* parking lot. (Please be aware of overflow parking lot west of the main lot tucked into SE Mt Si Rd and 434 Ave SE. There is a trail connecting the two.)  Following introductions, description of route and current trail conditions, plan to start by 9:10 am. There are two toilets in the main parking lot. Discover Pass is required.

Take Exit 32 off of I-90 near North Bend. Turn left, crossing over I-90, and follow 468th Ave NE to SE North Bend Way and turn left.  Turn right onto SE Mount Si Road and then left into the Little Si/Exit 32 Parking Lot shortly after crossing the bridge across the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River.

This route will go to Little Si including the Boulder Garden Loop.

The goal is to maintain a conversational pace which typically means hiking with purpose on the uphill and running the rest. 

Loop is  ~5 1/2 miles total distance with 1,640 ft elevation gain, covering the Boulder Garden Loop on the way up.   We will look to do an average pace of 15 min per mile.

Goal is for everyone to run at a conversational pace, which means you can talk in complete sentence without gasping for air, can easily breath through your nose, and have an average heart rate typically less than 140 (75% of max heart rate).  Shouldn't be huffing and puffing.

For a complete description of  trail running with the Mountaineers, please consult the Trail Running Standards.

Gaia route:

WA Dept of Natural Resources map:

Full details will be emailed soon after registration closes on Nov 30. In the interim please contact the leader with any questions:


Little Si

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities for this course's activities.

  • Waterproof jacket, hat, buff, gloves, sunglasses; running-specific gaiters recommended
  • Warm mid-weight layer (e.g. down vest or wool long sleeve)
  • Trail running shoes
  • A small day pack suitable for trail running
  • Bring snacks and water
  • Trail running-adapted ten essentials
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