Branch-Wide Volunteer Recognition Process and Scoring Rubric

Beginning in 2018 the Foothills Branch initiated a volunteer recognition process which provides a monetary reward to each active volunteer based on their contributions to the branch and/or one of our committees. This file explains the process. Contributions are defined as branch or committee admin and support, and/or activity, seminar, event, lecture, clinic or course development and support. Support incidences for each volunteer are primarily obtained from the Mountaineers database, supplemented by committee chairs or the branch chair based on recognized contributions that were not captured in the database. These awards are granted by the committee or branch chair in the form of a gift card at the annual volunteer recognition dinner. Many other forms of volunteer recognition and development are offered by different Foothills committees including logo gear, special events and reimbursement of some or all of the cost of courses and certifications required to lead for the committee. For more information on the specific recognition and development offered by a particular committee, contact the committee chair. Contact your committee chair or branch chair for details about how your specific reward amount was calculated.