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Joint Statement on Climbing Route Naming

The American Alpine Club, Appalachian Mountain Club, Colorado Mountain Club, Mazamas, and The Mountaineers join with those speaking out and taking action against racist, sexist, and otherwise derogatory route names, and we welcome the conversation about how best to move forward as a community. Read more…
Snow in the Summer

The high temperatures we've been having lately have us dreaming of the cooler days ahead. Don't misunderstand, we've been trying to get the most out of summer. Gardening, swimming, running - all activities best enjoyed in warm weather. That doesn't mean we're not looking forward to winter activities and a beautiful blanket of fresh snow. Read more…
Youth Outside | Favorite Moments with Mountaineers Youth

When my partner and I moved to Seattle two years ago, we both felt pretty lucky. Here we’d found a place with year-round outdoor activities, a cohort of adventure partners, and views of the mountains from every angle. I was warned that winters could be tough in the Pacific Northwest and to be prepared to go a while without seeing the sun. I steeled myself for this reality, checking the weather app every morning with my coffee to see how many minutes of daylight we’d be gifted that day. Read more…
Did You Know? | Mountain Rescue's Roots in The Mountaineers

Exposing ourselves to the most unforgiving elements of nature can be cathartic, electrifying – and dangerous. Uncertainty is a necessary part of her appeal, but when Mother Nature (or plain bad luck) starts baring her teeth, today we have measures in place to help you get home safely. Read more…
How To: Dispersed Camping 101

Camping in designated campgrounds can be tough on short notice. With the growing popularity of outdoor recreation, many areas book up months in advance. Dispersed camping is a fantastic alternative to staying in campgrounds, and can be a great way to explore new areas and get further off the beaten path. Read more…
Trip Report: Bench Lake, Snow Lake, and Box Canyon Overlook

There is so much to see an explore in Mount Rainier National Park that sometimes it's temping to trail hop. That's exactly what we decided to do one hot summer day, and I'm happy to share with you a detailed report of our adventures so that you can plan your own trip to this gorgeous part of the park. Read more…
Secret Rainier | Goat Island Mountain

Many of the 100 peaks in Mount Rainier National Park are seldom visited and we believe under appreciated. In this sense they are “secrets” and worthy of being featured in this series. In this chapter of Secret Rainier we describe Goat Island Mountain, one of our favorite scrambles. Notable are the views of Little Tahoma looming above Rainier. It’s is a super summer scramble and a great destination to plan for in the midst of winter. Read more…
One Last Auction Surprise: A Cabin Stay in Plain, WA, and a Signed Reinhold Messner Book

For your final auction surprises we’re adding two more items to round out our 50+ packages. One will appeal to mountaineering history buffs, and the other will call to anyone who could use a two-night getaway in the woods (but why not win both and read your new book at the cabin!). Read more…
Free CalTopo Trip Planning Webinar – Aug 5

First among The Mountaineers Ten Essentials is navigation, and as technology has advanced that now includes both digital and physical maps. While physical maps can be customized for type, scale, coordinate markings, and personalized tracks and waypoints, digital maps have the benefit of GPS capability – allowing you to know where you are in the backcountry. Read more…
Two Surprise Items Added: Dee Molenaar Original Sketches and Dinner at The Herbfarm

What fun is an online auction without a few surprises? To stoke the fundraising fire, here are two incredible new packages we’ve added for your bidding pleasure (and don’t forget to view the other 50+ packages already in play). Read more…
Seeking Belaytionship: One Woman's Search for True Love

One of the most important relationships of my life is not my husband. My (other) other half can complete my sentences, always knows just what to say, and somehow manages to love me before I’ve had my morning coffee. She catches me when I fall, keeps my spirts high, and ropes me into some of the best adventures I’ve ever had. Yes, my husband knows, and the three of us get along great. I’m talking, of course, about my climbing partner. Read more…
Sneak Peek! Two More Gala Keynote Celebrities Unveiled

By now you know that The Mountaineers rescheduled virtual gala is happening on July 23. But, do you know why?
To be completely honest, part of the reason is because we already secured 50+ amazing auction packages and they’re just waiting to get into your hands! This year has provided a lot of lemons and everyone is trying their best to make lemonade. We hope that taking home new gear, artwork, or a unique experience while supporting a great cause will bring a little joy to your life. Read more…
It's Time to Place Your Bid

For the last five weeks we have been revealing auction sneak peeks and teasers, all in the hopes of getting you prepared for this moment - our online auction is now open for bidding! With over fifty packages available you’ll surely find something that piques your interest, from a Joshua Tree Getaway to a first edition copy of Freedom of the Hills. Read more…
Getting Yourself and Your Human in Shape: Summer Edition

The sunny season is here, and we all know what that means! It's time to get in shape for climbing, hiking, backpacking, paddling, paddling, playing fetch, and shedding. Read more…
Secret Rainier | Huckleberry Creek Trail

Mount Rainier National Park (MRNP) is filled with glorious places to visit. Its visitors justifiably flock to the well-known destinations: Sunrise, Paradise, Camp Muir, Summerland, Spray Park and Comet Falls to name just a handful. But there are dozens of other wonderful places — less well known and perhaps a bit more difficult to find — that have a beauty all their own. Longtime Mountaineers trip leaders, Gene Yore and Mickey Eisenberg, call these places “Our Secret Rainier.” This is the sixth of a periodic installment from Gene and Mickey on these gems in the park. Read more…
Light up Your Home With a Priceless Mount Everest Print

As you saw last week, we have something exciting up our sleeves for our Virtual Gala on July 23 regarding outdoor celebrities and their advice for weathering a pandemic. You now know that the evening will include former keynote speakers Jimmy Chin and Lynn Hill, and fourteen soon-to-be-revealed remarkable guests! Visit our gala website to see the latest celebrities added to the list (and be sure to either pre-register for the online auction or sign up for the free virtual event to keep up with gala news)! Read more…
Trip Report: Mima Mounds Preserve Trail

The word "Mima" in Mima Mounds is derived from a Native American language meaning “a little further along” or “downstream.” Modern scientists argue about what causes these unusual land formations, but what I find fascinating is that the Mima Mounds are not unique; mounded forms are found across the United States. In California they're called “HogWallow Mounds,” and New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming have “prairie mounds.” In the Northern Great Plains they're known as “Pimple Mounds.” Read more…
Retro Rewind | An Olympic Summer, 100 Years Ago

The Spanish Flu swept the globe in 1918, just over 100 years ago. While we could find little reference of how this impacted Mountaineers at the time, we’re watching as a similar pandemic grinds our spring and summer plans to a halt. At the time of writing, the Stay Home, Stay Safe order is still in place, and we don’t know how and when getting outside will return to ’normal.’ So for this Retro Rewind, we decided to look back one century ago at the summer excursion of 1920, to see just what Mountaineers members were up to and find inspiration in their intrepid spirits. Read more…
Learn to Ice Climb From Living Legend Steve Swenson

We’ve got something very exciting in store for you at our July 23 virtual Gala. It’ll be an uplifting reminder that, even in the middle of a pandemic, outdoor celebrities are just like us. As a little teaser, we can say that you’ll be hearing from many of our special guests from previous galas (including Jimmy Chin and Lynn Hill!). Want to hear how athletes entertain their kids during quarantine, or where our authors plan to travel as soon as they can? Tune in on July 23 to find out! Read more…
Raising Adventurous Kids: How We Survived the Early Years

The fourth time my 6-year-old fell down on the muddy trail and screamed like there was no tomorrow, I thought, “hmmm… maybe we should turn back.” Then I figured he’ll be fine - it’s all part of getting outside. To be fair, he kept falling because he was wearing his mom’s (giant for him) rain boots, because he’d forgotten his own boots. He also forgot his shoes, and we didn’t drive an hour to not go for a hike because our kid forgot his boots when we had a perfectly good pair of rain boots in the car. Lesson learned: double-check footwear for all family members. See also: socks, pants, gloves, hats… you get the idea. Read more…
Reach Your Peak Nutrition With Maria Hines and Mercedes Pollmeier

Planning a gala today is much different than it was a few months ago. It now includes the intricate dance of supporting Safe Start Washington, shifting catering logistics for pickups and home deliveries, and all sorts of new multi-media technicalities. But for the team of staff and volunteers involved in auction planning, we’re having a lot of fun dreaming up a reimagined gala. Read more…
Trail Tails: Oliver

Trail Tails is a special feature showcasing the mutts of The Mountaineers! This month we recognize Oliver, owned by Mountaineer Travis Ruff. Read more…
How To: Car Camping 101

Are you excited to start testing the waters of outdoor adventure this summer, but not sure how to do it in a way that’s fun and safe for everyone? Consider car camping, the most accessible way to get outside overnight - making it a great way to introduce kids and trepidatious friends to the outdoors. To ensure your trip is successful and open the doors to future adventure, here are a few tips for brand-new car campers to take their trip to the next level: Read more…
Secret Rainier | Bald Rock

Bald Rock is infrequently visited but it makes for a lovely
forest hike with great views of Rainier and Little Tahoma.
The peak is named for it smooth treeless summit. Read more…
Trek to Everest Base Camp With Madison Mountaineering

In case you haven’t read yet, last week we announced that our July 23 gala is going virtual. As with many organizations navigating the effects of COVID-19 we’ve had to adapt to new modes of operation, and moving our auction online is one of them. It’s come with a learning curve, but we’ve already noticed many benefits: you have more time to bid on your favorite items, it opens up opportunities for everyone to participate, and we have the opportunity to further promote businesses that have donated to the auction. Read more…
Remembering Mountaineer Marty Babare

With great sadness we share the news of the passing of Marty Babare, an active 23-year member of The Mountaineers Tacoma Branch. Marty was at his cabin in Hood Canal when he suffered a heart attack on Saturday, June 13, 2020. Multiple resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. Read more…
Finding Family in the Passenger Seat: A Car-Free Journey to Community

“Hiking is free. As long as you have shoes and an Orca card, you can go anywhere.” Read more…
Climb Rainier With a Local Legend

Earlier this week we announced to gala attendees that the July 23 event will now be virtual in order to protect the health and safety of guests, speakers, and staff. While we originally hoped to celebrate in-person, we’re excited about this change as it opens the event to our entire membership and hopefully provides a little light and camaraderie for our outdoor community during these challenging times. Read more…
Did You Know: Steamboat Rock State Park

Steamboat rock is composed of Miocene Columbia River basalts, and sits 800ft above the desert floor. This monolithic basaltic rock overlies a much older intrusive igneous rock, and it sits in the channeled scablands in Eastern Washington, known as the Grand Coulee. Hiking the trail towards this magnificent rock you are walking on a soft, deep, sandy trail reminiscent of the beach. Steamboat Rock sits on a sand dune, a remnant from the past massive floods. Read more…
My COVID-19 Experience

On February 26, 2020, I hopped on a plane and flew to Australia. I was a tad nervous about the flights because of the news I kept hearing about a new coronavirus, but I also heard that Australia had stopped all flights departing from China and southeast Asia. International travel was not yet restricted, and at the time there was no reason to delay my trip. Little did I know what was in store for me. Read more…