Pacific Crest Trail: White Pass to Bridge of the Gods


Backpack - Pacific Crest Trail: Bridge of the Gods to White Pass

Hike part of Section H of the PCT between Mt. Adams and White Pass. This is a key swap trip, requiring an iron-clad commitment from enrollees.

  • Very Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 65.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 13,500 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 7,900 ft
  • Pace: 2 to 2.5 mph, 1,000 ft/hour. Pace will

This is a key swap trip. Drivers will switch cars the night before or early on Day One. Meeting time is TBD, but probably at a Park and Ride south of Seattle.

Drivers will need a Northwest Forest Pass or America the Beautiful pass.


Hike one of the most scenic and iconic parts of the PCT, from Mt. Adams through the Goat Rocks Wilderness, ending at White Pass (or reverse). This is a car swap trip, so half the group will go southbound and half will hike northbound. Although there are some steep parts, this part of the PCT is not as arduous as Section J.

Because of the small group size (3-4 persons) and the car swap, folks signing up have to make a solid commitment to go on the trip. Even one person backing out could jeopardize the trip. So think long and hard before signing up.

This is a good hike for relatively experienced backpackers who yearn to go on a longer trip. 
LEADER PERMISSION REQUIRED: In your email, please tell me the following:

1. Your backpacking trips for the past 2 years

2. What backpacking trips you are planning for this year

3. Your pack weight, including food and fuel (but not water)

4. How firm is your commitment, and whether there is anything that might cause you to have to cancel.


Pacific Crest Trail: White Pass to Bridge of the Gods

  • Green Trails White Pass No. 303

    Green Trails Wind River No. 397

    Green Trails Lone Butte No. 365

    Green Trails Blue Lake No. 334

    Green Trails Lookout Mtn No.396

    Green Trails Walupt Lake No. 335

    Green Trails Bridal Veil No. 428

    Green Trails Mt Adams West No. 366

    Green Trails Mount Adams No. 367S

    Green Trails Columbia River Gorge West No. 428S

    Green Trails Goat Rocks William O Douglas Wilderness No. 303S

    Green Trails Indian Heaven Wilderness No. 365S

    Green Trails Bonneville Dam No. 429
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Tent (footprint/ground tarp optional)
  • Stove and fuel
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Water filter
  • Bear canister or Ursack Allmitey (leader has a couple). Bear hangs aren’t acceptable as they take too much time and the trees we’ll be in are not suited for them.
  • Cooking pot/pan and utensils (plate optional)
  • Toilet paper and shovel or blue bag to deal with waste
Trip Reports