Mount Anderson/Eel Glacier


Alpine Scramble - Mount Anderson/Eel Glacier

Anderson by the east shoulder scramble route over 4 days with a mix of established and backcountry camping. Must have hiked or scrambled with us before and be ready for a multi-day strenuous backpack plus sketchy crux on loose rock. Please do not ask permission unless you know you can take Thurs-Fri off, have the fitness and experience and we know you. Also, backcountry permits will cost $24 pp unless you have the $45 annual ONP backcountry pass, so when you sign up please be prepared with your pass number, or to Venmo $24 to one of the leaders.

  • alpine scramble
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 45.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 7,500 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 7,310 ft
  • Pace: 1000ft/hr

Noon/12pm, Thursday, Aug. 8, Dosewallips TH

Probable itinerary:

Thurs, Aug. 8 - Meet at 12pm/noon, distribute group gear. Hike 16 fairly easy miles on the Dosewallips and West Fork Dosewallips to Honeymoon Meadows.

Fri, Aug. 9 - Early-ish start to beat the heat and bugs. Hike 2.5mi to Anderson tarns above Anderson Pass. Make camp and scramble up Mount Anderson on the east shoulder. Up steep heather ledges with veggie belays and some route finding to a boulder field. Beyond the boulder field is a meadow and then the crux, a 200-300ft chute with loose rocks. There may be a way to protect parts of it by wrapping a rope around a tree. After that, the scramble seems to mellow out and traverse ledges to the final summit ridge, but this will be exploratory for us too. (5mi and 3300ft total for the day, but much harder than the specs would have it appear.)

Sat, Aug. 10 - We'll take the morning to explore the giant glacial lake, steams, tarns and flower meadows below Anderson's Flypaper Pass before making our way down, back to Diamond Meadows for the night. If weather looks optimal for doing Anderson on this day, we'll reverse Fri and Sat, but we'll still get back at least to Honeymoon Meadows this day.

Sun, Aug. 11 - 13-16 easy miles out to the TH. 


Mount Anderson/Eel Glacier

  • USGS Mt Steel

    USGS The Brothers

    Green Trails Olympic Mountains East No. 168S

    Trails Illustrated Olympic National Park
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Helmet
  • Mountaineering Boots
  • Approach shoes (trail runners, etc...)
  • Harness,
  • 1 prusik,
  • 1 locking carabiner
  • Trekking poles
  • Bug spray or bug suit
  • Camping gear
  • Group camping gear TBD
Trip Reports