Making Risk Management Tangible for Trip Leaders Using Cross-Industry Adaptations


Making Risk Management Tangible for Trip Leaders Using Cross-Industry Adaptations - Online Classroom

Online webinar with Rumi Kodama on a trip leader centered risk management framework Part of the of the Leadership Development Series.

  • Casual

6:30-8:30pm PST via Zoom Meeting
Meeting link will be sent to registered attendees the day of the session.

This presentation will encourage attendees to speak up throughout the presentation and be interactive with prompting discussion questions interspersed within lecture segments. Breakout rooms will be used to start the process of self-reflecting with peers about your Risk Self-Awareness and habits, and start reflecting on how to integrate this framework into your practice using Learnacy skills.

The ability to manage risk is a hallmark of excellent leaders. What does this actually look like beyond “Follow your Policies & Procedures” and “Stay within your Scope of Practice”? Whether it is to enhance your own risk management practices or learn a new way to train risk management, you will walk away with both.

With recognition of cross industry research as an invaluable resource, this session presents a Trip Leader Centered Risk Management Framework created from research from the fields of Aviation, Paramedicine, and Military. The goal is to move beyond risk theories and towards tangible actions that make the management of risk in the field concrete. When actions become understood of where it fits within the bigger picture, actions become intentional and managing risk becomes conscious.

Sound Risk Management starts with Self-Awareness and Empowerment as skills. We will start getting you acquainted with your own level of Risk Self-Awareness and habits and how to stay vigilant by learning how to incorporate flexibility focused “Learnacy Skills”. Finally we will touch on Stress Injury Mitigation and the importance of viewing this as a core component of a well-rounded risk management strategy.

Come with questions, or better yet, email them in advance so we can make this session as relevant to what you need as possible. Please email


Please find here the LINK to resources from my session. You will find:

  • Two short (amateur) videos on neuroscience that may help with creating your own training: “E2P-Stress&theBrain” and “E2P-JustStartTalking

In the folder: “Making Risk Management Training Tangible for Staff Using Cross-Industry Adaptations”.  It includes:

  • Stress Injury Mitigation Training Outline” – In depth resource for Stress Injury Mit.
  • “RM Cheat Sheet for Trainers” – Condensed key RM concepts/framework
  • Making RM Training Tangible Using Cross Industry Adaptations - Key Concepts” – A summary of the key concepts of the Risk Management presentation.

[Note: These are from the original presentations from the Wilderness Risk Management Conference (WRMC) 2022, which has a few sub-topics not covered in the session with The Mountaineers. Feel free to contact me with questions]

There is also a folder called “Stress Continuums for the Outdoor Industry” which has expanded versions of the Stress Continuums created by the Outdoor Professional Taskforce (former subgroup of Responder Alliance Network). 

These look in depth at what it looks like/sounds like/feels like in the various colours specific to various levels of an organization along with Tools. (For the Organization as a whole/for Program Admin Staff/ for Field Staff/ for Students)

For editable copies follow this LINK – please read the “Overview & Instructions” document first.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:


Rumi Kodama is a paramedic in Vancouver, BC with roots in the outdoor/wilderness therapy industry in numerous roles for over 20 years from YMCA to BC Conservation Corps to NOLS, Outward Bound Canada and Alaska Crossings. Risk is inherent in everything we do and the power of bringing practices from across industry lines is something that just makes sense. Her passion extends to thinking about how we manage risk to reduce occurrences of stress injuries and teaching these topics with a tendency towards focusing on making things tangible and spreading practical ideas.

Lead image by mike warren


Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Computer or device (preferably with a speaker and camera), as well as high-speed internet.

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