Tacoma Branch Upcoming Events
Basic Crewing/Sailing Course
Tacoma Branch's annual introduction to sailing course. Learn the skills to be a welcome member of the crew on a friend’s sailboat!
Intermediate Rock Practice Clinic 1
Practice Clinic 1
Olympia Explorers Climbing
Oly Explorers Climb night
Tacoma BAC Instructors Practice
Rock critical skills practice - for 2025 Tacoma Basic Alpine Climbing instructors
Spring Break Camp
Kids spring break camp will be using the building from 8:30-4:30pm Monday through Friday
Tacoma Basic Climbing FT 7
Alpine Rock 1
Basic Crewing/Sailing Course
Tacoma Branch's annual introduction to sailing course. Learn the skills to be a welcome member of the crew on a friend’s sailboat!
Tacoma Pathfinders & Explorers Meeting
A meeting for the Tacoma Pathfinders and Explorers youth programs to prepare for upcoming activities.
Branch Leadership Committee
Monthly Branch Leadership Committee (BLC) meeting.
Dehydrating Tips & Tricks Workshop - Mountaineers Tacoma Program Center
Dehydrating Tips & Tricks
Mountain Workshop - SAMI
Climbing program for SAMI High School
Olympia MAC Skills Night
April Skills Night
Tacoma Pathfinders & Explorers Activity
Joint activity for Tacoma Pathfinders and Explorers
Tacoma Wilderness Navigation
Tacoma Wilderness Navigation
Mountain Workshop - SAMI
Climbing program for SAMI High School
Basic Crewing/Sailing Course
Tacoma Branch's annual introduction to sailing course. Learn the skills to be a welcome member of the crew on a friend’s sailboat!
Ultralight Backpacking
ultralight backpacking
MAC Adv. Skills Night
Advanced Skills Night for MAC students who have mastered the basics.
Mountain Workshop - SAMI
Climbing program for SAMI High School
Intermediate Rock CS2
Classroom Session 2
Leadership Development Series - Learning from Loss: 20th Anniversary of the Sharkfin Tower Incident
Steve Smith with be guiding us through how to learn from tragedy and loss, by expanding on lessons learned in the 20 years since the Sharkfin Tower incident.
Tacoma Basic Climbing FT 8
Alpine Rock 2
Intro to backpacking practice camp
Intro to backpacking practice camp
Mountain Workshop - SAMI
Climbing program for SAMI High School
Intermediate Rock Practice Clinic 2
Practice Clinic 2
MAC Leadership Seminar
For MAC Juniors/Seniors planning their own trips
Mountain Workshop - SAMI
Climbing program for SAMI High School
Tacoma Basic Alpine Climbing Mentorship Night 2
For 2024/2025 basic alpine climbing students.
Mental Health Symposium
The Mountaineers in partnership with The Wilderness Chaplains and other local organizations, are pleased to announce that we will be putting on our first ever Mental Health Symposium in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month! This will be a time to engage in hands on mental health related practices, as well connect with professionals in the field on topics such as Mental Health First Aid, Resilience, and Community Support.
Tacoma Alpine Scrambling Course
Snow camp prep activity - Basic Navigation FT