Climbing Conditioner


Climbing Conditioner - Mount Si Main Trail

Conditioning hikes, snowshoes, scrambles, and anything else related to fitness for climbers and climbing students.

  • Moderate/Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 8.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,150 ft

10:30am Meet time at the trailhead

This is a conditioner hike, primarily for students who need to complete a conditioner for a course, but open to others as well. 

If you need to pass a conditioner requirement, please bring the appropriate weight as required for your course.

The required time for Tacoma Basic Climbing students is under 2:20 to the base of the haystack. I will plan on setting a pace that is closer to 2:00, but students may go at the pace they need.


Mount Si Main Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 Essentials

Whatever pack weight is required for your course

Sturdy footwear

Recommend microspikes and poles

Trip Reports