Seattle Olmsted 50: In-A-Week - Seattle Olmsted 50: Section 4


Seattle Olmsted 50: In-A-Week - Seattle Olmsted 50: Section 4

Join us for Section 4, from the Washington Park Playfield to Stan Sayres Memorial Park.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 585 ft
  • Pace: 2 to 2.5 mph

Meet shortly before 8 am near the bathrooms at the Washington Park Playfield on Lake Washington Blvd East, geared up and ready to walk.

This section of the Seattle Olmsted 50 begins at the Washington Park Playfield on Lake Washington Blvd East and ends at Stan Sayres Memorial Park.

This route provides modest ups and downs, two marinas, two clothing optional beach parks, a Curt Cobain memorial bench, and three tunnels.  We'll chat about Olmsted Parks history and revel in the forest sections tucked into a busy and growing city. Multiple public toilets and treat options grace this section in our walk through six Seattle neighborhoods.

To earn the Seattle Olmsted 50 Badge, you must complete all five sections of the Seattle Olmsted 50, have a current Stewardship Credit Badge, and pass the Seattle Olmsted 50 Online Quiz.

Full turn-by-turn directions with public transit options will accompany the Hello Urban Walker letter. Walkers can also tap into the See full route/place details link below to find resources (Maps, GPX, Turn-by-Turn).


Seattle Olmsted Circuit: Ballard Locks to Rainier Beach to Ballard Locks

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Urban Walk Ten Essentials - water, snacks, appropriate outerwear, and study shoes.

Trip Reports