Introduction to Rock Climbing Course   - Seattle - 2014

Climbing Course

Introduction to Rock Climbing Course

Introduction to Rock Climbing Course - Seattle

The Introduction to Rock Climbing course is designed for those who have little to no outdoor rock climbing experience.

The course consists of three evening workshops (Thursdays: Aug 7, 14, 21) at the Mountaineers Program Center and a full day field trip (Saturday: Aug 23) to one of Seattle's local crags. 

In this course you will learn the basics of top roped outdoor climbing. This includes learning basic climbing knots, belaying skills, climbing techniques and converting to rappel. At the end of this course, you will be able to safely follow a lead climber on sport/crag climbs as well as know the basics for top roping on your own.

Note: this course is a top-rope course only. It does not prepare you for an alpine environment or leading rock climbs.

Students will be required to furnish their own gear, excluding ropes and lead climbing equipment.


Evening meetings will be at the Seattle Mountaineers Program Center from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on three consecutive Thursdays: August 7, 14, and 21.

The field trip will be on Saturday August 23, and will be a full day at either Exit 38 off of I-90 or at Frenchman Coulee in Vantage, WA, depending on the weather. 

You will need a climbing helmet, a harness, and rock shoes. 

The skills you will learn include: basic knots, climbing on top rope, belaying a climber on top rope, cleaning anchors and rappelling down, climbing etiquette, using a climbing guide book, rope management, and basic climbing technique.

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

climbing helmet,

a harness,

rock shoes.

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.