CANCELED - Walking the Wild:  Hiking the Oregon Coast Trail with Peter Hendrickson and Nancy Temkin

CANCELED - Walking the Wild: Hiking the Oregon Coast Trail with Peter Hendrickson and Nancy Temkin

Enjoy another evening of grand photos and storytelling from the wilds (or semi-wilds) of the world, Our speaker will tell of trekking the first stage of Oregon's Coast Trail. He will talk about how he and his wife mixed six days of beach, forest and highway walks and highway shuttles. This is a wonderful primer on how to organize your own adventure on this unique and lovely trail system! The zoom link will be open at 6:30PM, and the presentation will go from 7PM to 8:30 with the last 15-20 minutes being open for questions. You must have a ticket to receive the zoom link to join - free tickets are available.
400 ( 400 capacity)
$0.00 250 (250 capacity)
$10.00 100 (100 capacity)
$20.00 50 (50 capacity)

Enjoy another evening of grand photos and storytelling from the wilds (or semi-wilds) of the world, Our speaker, long-time Mountaineers leader and  Seattle Urban Walk Chair Peter Hendrickson will tell of trekking the first stage of Oregon's Coast Trail with his wife Nancy, mixing six days of beach, forest and highway walks with highway shuttles. They used Hiking the Oregon Coast Trail (Henderson, 2021), a Mountaineers book to self-guide the trek.   Learn what it takes to prepare, coastal travel tips, tidal and rough trail considerations, and lodging alternatives.
"In my more than 50 years of long walks in Tasmania, Nepal, Europe, Britain and South America, this was our first, long beach trek in the U.S. Our self-guided walk began at the Columbia River and hop-scotched south to Rockaway with a roof over our heads each night." -- Peter Hendrickson
Peter is an 18-year Mountaineer currently serving as chair of the Seattle Urban Walk Committee, Freedom of the Hills section editor and navigation instructor.. He is a past VP of Branches, Seattle Branch Chair, and Navigation Chair.  He and his wife, Nancy Temkin have worked and travelled all over the world.

The presentation will begin promptly at 7PM and end at 8:30PM with time for Q&A at the end. The event will be held on zoom. An advance ticket will be required to receive the zoom link to join the presentation - you can get your ticket here!

You can attend with a free ticket, but we hope that you will purchase a $10 or $20 ticket which will help The Mountaineers Foothills and Seattle Branches continue to deliver their volunteer-led hiking and backpacking programs, including events like this one! We hope you will join us!
