Foothills Budget Meeting #1

Foothills Budget Meeting #1

Optional Zoom meeting for Foothills Branch Council members and others interested in learning about the brnach and committee budgeting process.
  • Thu, May 30, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM
  • Foothills Branch
  • Foothills
  • iCal
17 ( 20 capacity)

FY25 budgeting has finally arrived. I’ve created a Basecamp folder that has a link to the worksheet as well as some guides and info provided by staff. We’re using the same template as last year. Here’s a couple key points as we get this process started:

·        Committee inputs are due by Friday, June 28. We’ll review the budget in our July 9 Branch Council meeting.

I’m here to help. This should not require a lot of time to complete, so feel free to reach out if you’re unsure how to get started, are having difficulty navigating the worksheet, or if you find yourself spending too much time on this. 

Click here for the Basecamp folder. Let me know if you have any issues locating or accessing it.
