Basic Snowshoeing Equivalency for Current Mountaineer Leaders- Foothills - 2023/24

Snowshoeing Course

Basic Snowshoeing Equivalency

This course is for current Mountaineer leaders who want to become a snowshoe leader or instructor and have snowshoe experience equivalent to the Basic Snowshoeing course. No one else should apply.

The purpose of this course is not to bypass established prerequisites  for going on Basic Snowshoe trips with The Mountaineers. To enroll in this course candidates must:

  1. Be a current Mountaineer Leader in good standing and have led a minimum of five trips in the past twelve months. 
  2. State intention of leading or instructing for the Foothills Snowshoeing Committee.
  3. Equivalency means that you  have taken  an equivalent course through one of our partner clubs: Appalachian Mountain Club, Colorado Mountain Club or  Mazamas. BOEALPS accepted. 
  4. The Avalanche Awareness and Low Impact Recreation badges are required.

For all others:  The Foothills, Seattle. Tacoma, Olympia and Everett Branches of The Mountaineers all have Basic Snowshoeing courses. These are planned and  staffed by teams of volunteers who willingly share their knowledge and skill with students. The courses offer an added benefit of introducing students to the club. And are a great way to meet trip leaders and fellow students who will be on future trips with you.

The steps in the process are:

  • Meet requirement 1. The committee will verify this.  
  • State the leadership role you want in the  Foothills Snowshoeing program.
  • Upload  a certificate of course completion or other proof that you have  taken a snowshoe course from an organization listed in requirement 3.
  • Requirement 4 must be met before the  badge is awarded.
  • Let us know any relevant information you want us to know about you. Did you take AIARE outside  The Mountaineers? Search and rescue experience? Work or volunteer as a snowshoe guide?  These are not required, but nice to know about candidates.
  • Prior to approval you will be contacted by a member of the committee and asked to either:
    • Help with our Foothills Basic Snowshoeing  course, often by taking part in one of the weekend field trips
    • Begin the process to become a Snowshoe leader.
    • The committee chair may ask you to serve as Assistant Leader on a snowshoe trip prior to scheduling your  mentor lead.

To apply for equivalency, click the blue APPLY button under the heading of "REGISTER PARTICIPANT" at right, then complete the online application. Files need to be sent separately to the email address below. 

If you are interested in equivalency for Intermediate Snowshoeing: the Foothills Branch of The Mountaineers does not currently offer that course.  Note: Members with the Alpine Scrambing or Climbing badge may register for any snowshoe trip without a Snowshoeing badge. Condsider enrolling in Alpine Scrambling to build your skills, broaden your Mountaineers experience and meet great people.

Contact the Foothills Snowshoeing Committee with any questions at

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Additional badges needed to graduate


Required Equipment


Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.