Climb Leader Seminar - Future Climb Leader Seminar


Climb Leader Seminar - Future Climb Leader Seminar - Online Classroom

Climbing Leader Seminar. This session will focus on the AMGA alpine skills course debrief and general climb leader information

  • Casual

6pm Zoom

This seminar is Foothills Climbing Leader applicants, both Front and Back Country, and those interested in becoming a climb leader.  This seminar may cover topics such as climbing logistics, leader permissions and liabilities, decision making, and mentorship. 

Planned Topics

  • Setting up climbs
    • Using the Mountaineers system
    • location selection
    • open vs leader permission
    • pre trip planning/communications
    • deciding group size
  • Leader permission & liabilities
    • Overriding badge requirements
    • Liability when leading climbs
    • Official communications
    • Renting/borrowing gear (PLB, ropes, hardgoods, etc) from the Mountaineers
  • On the climb
    • Group decision making and risk mitigation 
    • Things I wish I knew as a first season rock/glacier/climb leader
    • Likely problems and how to deal with them
      • no belay device
      • no harness
      • no helmet
      • rope lead cancels
      • damaged rope
      • etc…
  • Beyond the climb
    • Trip Reports
    • Mentors beyond Mentored Leads
    • Public perception and you
    • AMGA alpine skills course

    Priority for these sessions as follows

    1. All current Front and Backcountry Leaders who have not taken this seminar
    2. Approved Foothills Climbing Leader applicants, both Front and Backcountry. 
    3. Foothills Intermediate Students who are interested in becoming a climbing leader
    4. Approved Climbing Leader applicants of other branches
    5. Basic Graduates and Students

    If you meet criteria 1 or 2, you have permission to register. Those in criteria 3, 4, and 5 must submit the following information when requesting permission. 

    • Climbing Education history
    • Climbing Resume
    • Attestation from your Climbing Committee Chairperson or Leadership Chairperson stating that you are on the climb leader track for your branch.


    Required Equipment

    Required Equipment

    Computer and favorite beverage.

    Trip Reports