Trail Running Weekend - Foothills - 2024

Trail Running Course

Trail Running Weekend

Join us for our second annual Trail Running Weekend at the Baker Lodge with great food, new and old friends, and a few more miles on your shoes on some of the most scenic trails through the Mount Baker Wilderness. Whether you’re an experienced runner or just starting out, this weekend is sure to leave you feeling invigorated and inspired.

Trail running weekend retreat full of adventures and fun activities suitable for all levels and paces! 

The weekend will include: 

  • Stay at the lodge (2 nights)
  • Breakfast and dinner + snacks 
  • Runs for different distances and abilities on Fri afternoon, Sat all day, and Sun morning 
  • Stretching and mobility sessions throughout the weekend
  • Fun games!

Trails where we will be running are iconic and have amazing views. The distances will vary from 4 to 15mi and will accommodate various paces and abilities. This list includes available options and will depend on instructors and participants' interest and abilities:  

  • Excelsior Peak - 8.4 miles (or 15 point-to-point option), strenuous 
  • Yellow Aster Butte - 7.6 miles, moderate 
  • Bagley and Chain Lakes loop - 8 miles, moderate  
  • Artist Point - 5 miles, easy 
  • Lake Ann - 8.2 miles, moderate  
  • Ptarmigan ridge - 11.5 miles, hard  
  • Goat lake via Ptarmigan ridge trail - 9.5 miles, moderate 
  • Panorama dome trail - 4.3 miles, easy 

NOTE: More activities will be scheduled after participants register for the weekend and we can better assess the level of interest and abilities. All activities will have a sign-up opportunity at the lodge!

Course Requirements
Course Activity Date Availability Leader
Workshop (optional)
Horseshoe Bend
Fri, Aug 9, 2024
Registration closes Aug 7
6 participants
Required Equipment

Recommended gear list:

  • Appropriate shoes, socks, shorts/pants and/or other apparel in technical/synthetic/wool fabrics for trail running
  • 10 Essentials adapted for trail running
  • Lightweight rain-resistant or waterproof jacket
  • Pack or waist belt or equivalent to hold required items and personal possessions such as medications, cell phone, keys, etc.
  • Water and snacks for your runs
  • Map (printed or digital) 

Weather dependent items (optional):

  • Gloves
  • Watch
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun hat or warm hat
  • Extra layers in in technical/synthetic/wool fabrics, e.g., an extra long-sleeved shirt
Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.