2016 Newsletters
Newsletter 2016-09 (Sep)
Inaugural issue of e-newsletter, announcing fall events and the first election of Branch officers in three years.
Newsletter 2016-09 (Sep).pdf
— 1011.6 KB
Newsletter 2016-10 (Oct)
Slate of officer candidates presented, Lowell Skoog announced as speaker for Awards Banquet and report about successful Salmon Bake.
Newsletter 2016-10 (Oct).pdf
— 2.8 MB
Newsletter 2016-11 (Nov)
Summary of upcoming courses and announcement of election results
Newsletter 2016-11 (Nov).pdf
— 661.9 KB
Newsletter 2016-12 (Dec)
Summary of upcoming courses and feedback about Branch Leadership Course. Report on Awards Banquet, recognizing Doris Hatton for the Larry Ingalls Distinguished Service Award, Paul Gehlsen for the Ken Nelson Climbing Award, Anita Harvey for the Nordic Ski Committee Service Award, and Bernadette Lamarca for Hike Leader of the Year.
Newsletter 2016-12 (Dec).pdf
— 1.2 MB