

Since its inception in 1960, Mountaineers Books has had the honor of working with literally thousands of authors—an enormously talented pool of writers, photographers, and artists from across the broad spectrum of our outdoor communities.

As an independent and nonprofit publisher, we value our author relationships above all else. After all, it is their skills and their creativity that collectively amplifies our mission in outdoor literature, outdoor education, sustainable practices, and wilderness conservation. Our role is about nurturing their work to the printed page, to elevate and promote their distinct and varied voices, images, and illustrations to the world at large.

You can discover our newest crop of authors by clicking on the seasonal “Meet Our Authors” tab on this website. For others, you’ll find links to their biographies and additional info about them on individual book title pages.

Many of our authors maintain active websites, blogs, social media, and/or newsletters, and welcome connecting with readers. You also can meet them at book events, listed on our “Events & Web Series” calendar.

If you have other questions about our published authors, or wish to connect with one, please query us at

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