From picking a trusted guidebook to feeling included by a volunteer leader, there are many aspects to finding belonging outside. One barrier that people face is the financial cost of learning new skills. Donor-funded scholarships through the Mountaineers Access Program (MAP) allow people to learn skills that help outdoor recreation to be safe, sustainable, and fun, regardless of their ability to pay.
Giving Tuesday is next week! Between now and then, we need to infuse the MAP fund with $30,000 to support scholarships, Youth Partner Programs, and more in 2024. Early giving is already open, so there is no need to wait to make your gift.
Your donation will help people access any part of Mountaineers programming that feels financially inaccessible. In 2023, Mountaineers used scholarships at all seven branches to access courses, memberships, and youth programs.
Here’s what a few of them had to say:
- “Life changing. I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have for being given this opportunity. The skills I've learned and the instruction I've received carry much further than the mountains. I am walking away with a newfound respect for myself and what I'm capable of that will impact me in all areas of life.” - Karla*, scholarship recipient, Basic Alpine Climbing Course
- “Thank you so much for supporting my son's journey. Having such a positive experience outdoors will feed his curiosity and confidence as he navigates teenage development challenges. I am happy that this experience taught him to value our beautiful evergreen environment and that he will continue to seek outdoor activities and be a steward for the earth.” - Norma, parent of scholarship recipient, Goat Rocks Wilderness backpacking trip
- “Scholarships give an opportunity to people to pursue new skills without worrying about finances. It helped me to focus on what I was learning. I was able to become a more independent and confident person.” - Atsuko, scholarship recipient, Wilderness First Aid Course
- “Financial support allows for greater diversity in the outdoors. Everyone has different walks of life, and we can learn to grow as a community when we are immersed in each other's experiences.” - Liv*, scholarship recipient, Basic Alpine Climbing Course
*Some names changed for privacy.
Early giving for Giving Tuesday is open now. We hope to raise $30,000 for MAP before midnight on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Any donation on our Giving Tuesday donation page or given with the note "Giving Tuesday'' before then will count! Thank you for making a difference for our outdoor community.
The Mountaineers® is a 501(c)(3) organization supported through earned revenue and elevated through charitable contributions. Our staff work to support our seven branches (Bellingham, Everett, Foothills, Kitsap, Olympia, Seattle, and Tacoma), three lodges (Baker, Meany, and Stevens), and our Kitsap Forest Theater. Tax ID: 27-3009280. 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115.