This year, we'll be participating in Microsoft Nonprofit Fair on October 19. We'll be at The Commons from 11:30am – 1:30pm raffling off outdoor books and gear, so stop by to say hello and learn more about how you can get involved with The Mountaineers.
Why such a big deal?
Microsoft is one of the largest corporate givers in the world, and we’re fortunate to have them in our backyard. In fact, 42,000 Microsoft employees (about 70% of the company’s total workforce) call Washington State their home. Last year, these employees raised $62 million for nonprofits in our great state.
Microsoft’s corporate giving program is incredibly generous. According to Mary Snapp, Vice President of Microsoft Philanthropies, approximately 71% of Microsoft’s global workforce participates in the program by donating their time or money to nonprofits around the world. Microsoft will match ever $1 an employee donates to a nonprofit, up to $15,000 per employee.
In addition, for every 1-hour a Microsoft employee volunteers their time to leading our courses and activities or helping with our books, Microsoft donates $25. Given we rely on the commitment and outdoor expertise of over 5,000 volunteers to lead our courses and activities, the monies raised from volunteers who work at Microsoft are invaluable.
On average, each one of our volunteers donates 11 hours of their time per month to our programs, which equates to $275 per month or $3,300 per year per volunteer.
Since 2009, we’ve raised nearly $200,000 through Microsoft’s corporate giving program. Until now, our success with the program has been predominantly word-of-mouth from our Microsoft employed volunteers, members and donors. We know we could do a lot more to help get the word out about Microsoft’s corporate giving opportunities to our community of 280,000+ outdoor adventurers.
The monies we receive through Microsoft’s corporate giving program allow us to transform the lives of youth and adults, including the underserved, by fostering a passion for outdoor adventure and an appreciation toward protecting our wild places.
This year, we’re excited to up the ante by participating in Microsoft’s Nonprofit Fair on October 19. We hope to see you there.
Can't make the Fair but want to donate? That works, too!
Don't forget to submit your match on Microsoft's giving platform!
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Room for other than MS employee Mountaineers to attend?

Hi Peter,
This event is just for Microsoft employees. It's organized by Microsoft to allow employees to learn about and donate to hundreds of nonprofits across Washington state. Microsoft employees are the only ones eligible to attend. They will not let the general public into this event unless you are visiting the fair with a Microsoft employee. Thanks for your support!