Two Beers Brewing Co. & Seattle Cider Company is seeking Mountaineers volunteers to host presentations at their new tasting room, The Woods. This is a great opportunity to practice your public speaking skills and show off your Mountaineers knowledge.
The date Two Beers & Seattle Cider are looking for a presenter is Wednesday, July 20 from 5:30-8pm. Your presentation should be about a general topic to encourage people to go outside and enjoy the lands and waters surrounding Seattle. You can fly solo or talk with a friend. Be prepared to give 60-90 minutes of your time, which will include your audio/visual presentation, post-presentation Q&A, and discussion or mingling with attendees.
This is a great opportunity for The Mountaineers to serve its mission and connect with the community, and for you to show off your skills and practice your public speaking.
They are looking for speakers in the following areas:
- Avalanche safety
- Camping/hiking/paddling with kids
- GPS navigation
- Basic wilderness first aid
- Edible wild plant identification
- Animal tracks and scat identification
- Nature Photography
- Backcountry cooking
Beer or cider are provided to the speaker for their time and efforts. Additionally 5% of the daily proceeds on the presentation day will be donated to The Mountaineers, which will benefit the committee involved with doing the presentation.
An audio/visual presentation (PowerPoint style) is preferred but any format the speaker would be comfortable is fine. The speaker will need to provide their own laptop and The Mountaineers will provide a projector.
Presentation Schedule
The Mountaineers will be providing three speakers on three different nights this summer. The other presentations and dates already filled are:
- May 18 - Intro to Backpacking and 10 Essentials
- June 15 - Wilderness First Aid 101
- July 20 - YOUR NAME HERE
Contact the Events Manager, Andriana Fletcher with questions or if you’re interested: andrianaf@mountaineers.org .