This year, something incredible happened. Amidst the immense challenges facing our country, a polarized Congress came together to pass a bill called the Great American Outdoors Act. Some called this once-in-a-generation conservation funding bill a “unicorn” - a rare moment of bipartisan cooperation.
But this unicorn didn’t come along by accident. It happened after years of advocacy by The Mountaineers and our collective outdoor community. Many of you donated to support this work, and you also sent thousands of messages to policymakers to seek better funding for our parks and trails. Your persistence and patience paid off.
As we celebrate this historic victory, we know there are more daunting climbs ahead. In the coming year, The Mountaineers will step up our efforts to address the climate crisis: the single biggest threat to wild places and the outdoor experience.
While the path ahead is steep, our community has demonstrated that we can achieve big wins despite a challenging landscape. Our grassroots member engagement, coupled with the powerful storytelling of our publishing division, makes The Mountaineers unique in our ability to create change. We speak with an influential and authentic voice that’s respected by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle.
Our community needs us, now more than ever, to deliver on our mission and advocate for climate policy. This is only possible with the support of members and donors like you.
We’ve got momentum, but the stakes couldn’t be higher. With your support, we will work collaboratively to achieve high-impact outcomes that improve climate resilience and help ensure that future generations can enjoy the great outdoors. Please join me in making your annual gift today for the future of our public lands and the planet. I’m confident that with the power of our community, we can make magic happen again.
Charitable giving supports 75% of The Mountaineers conservation and advocacy work. While many of our programs are supported by earned revenue, our conservation work relies exclusively on membership and donations.
Over 200 members like you have helped us to raise $68,000 toward our $100,000 December goal, including the $22,000 raised for scholarships on #GivingTuesday. We hope you’ll consider joining this incredible group of leaders with your unrestricted year-end gift today. If you would like to make a gift of securities, notify us of a check in the mail, or have any other questions, please reach out to development@mountaineers.org or call (206) 521-6006.