August 10, Gothic Peak (Barlow Pass)
Near the bottom of the summit block on Gothic Peak, the last scrambler in line fell a short distance and hurt her side.
I basically had a double hand hold on what appeared to be a solid tree, but in fact was a loose branch.
I obviously did not test it well enough before committing. It came loose in my hands, resulting in a slip and contact with the down-sloping rock ledge. I then slid a foot or so before regaining a solid grip.
I broke one finger nail (which I repaired with clippers from my first aid kit) and have some minor abrasions, and bruised ribs on the right side.
I took some Aleve anti-inflammatory from my first aid kit and then used a zip lock and some snow to create an ice pack which I applied as soon as I descended to a snow field.
I have complete normal range of motion, with some noticeable discomfort with certain movements (large steps or balance challenges). Coughing and sneezing are seriously uncomfortable. Other than that, I am fine.