The Mountaineers endorses Washington State ballot Initiative 1631 because we believe that a healthy environment is essential to the future of outdoor recreation and public lands.
Initiative 1631 will put funds towards clean energy, protecting forests and watersheds, and supporting the communities most-impacted by pollution and climate change. The funds will be generated by placing a fee on some of the biggest polluters in Washington State.
The Mountaineers’ current strategic plan – crafted with extensive input from our membership – calls for us to reduce our organization’s carbon footprint. Supporting Initiative 1631 is a way for us, as a Washington-based outdoor education and conservation organization, to approach this strategic focus.
The Mountaineers supports I-1631 Because:
- A healthy environment is integral to the future of outdoor recreation and public lands. Initiative-1631 is a fee (not a tax) on some of the biggest emitters of carbon pollution in Washington State. As a fee, this means that money must be spent directly on solving climate-related problems or protecting WA’s environment.
- Reducing our carbon footprint is one of the focuses of The Mountaineers' current strategic plan. We're actively working on implementable ways our organization can directly reduce our carbon footprint. For example, we are investing in clean energy by installing a solar power system at our Seattle Program Center. Endorsing this state ballot initiative, is another way for The Mountaineers, as a Washington-based outdoor education and conservation organization, to be a part of the solution.
- Future generations need a healthy outdoors. Our current strategic plan also focuses on engaging future generations with the wonder of our wild places. Passing I-1631 is a direct way to help ensure future Mountaineers have a healthy environment in which to explore, learn, play, and adventure.
- Forests and waters impacted by climate change need protection. Twenty-five percent of funds will go towards protecting forests and waters impacted by climate change. These are the places where we play and for which we advocate. Hear from wildland Firefighter Kurtis Robinson about why he supports 1631.
Outdoor recreation and public lands conservation in Washington needs a healthy outdoors. That’s why The Mountaineers supports Initiative 1631.
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Thanks for taking a position on this initiative which has one of the largest backings ranging from small business, to communities of color and environmental groups and everything inbetween. This sort of policy is already working in BC and if we can get a model in WA state it can be used throughout the nation.

Thanks, Mountaineers, for supporting this very important initiative!