Hello! My name is Adry and I'm the Summer Camp Coordinator. I am so excited to be creating our Summer Camp blog this summer. From July 6-10, the theme here at the Mountaineers will revolve around Survival! I'll be posting daily updates so check back for general information, photos, field trip updates, and daily camp reflections. Click here any time to see pictures of our adventures!
Day 5
We were sad to see our Survivor Week campers go today, but it sure was an eventful last day! First aid was definitely a highlight today. Campers were taught how to dress a wound, create an arm splint and sling, as well as have a little fun with fake blood! Our "All Camp Activity" was a Dutch Auction (neither dutch nor an auction) and the campers were able to display all of the fantastic curriculum and skills they learned all week. A big thank you to all of our volunteers this week, and thank you to the parents that could make it for family day today! I hope your camper can teach you a little something about nature appreciation, belaying, stewardship, and of course, the importance of Billy the goat.
Day 4
Today was Choose Your Own Adventure Day! Campers were able to choose from climbing, arts and crafts, and water relays. After a long swim session down at the waterfront, our all camp activity was "Life or Death in the Forest." We had our carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores searching for food and water. The omnivores and herbivores had to keep a close look out to make sure the hungry carnivores didn't catch them!
Day 3
Our field trip today at Alderleaf Wilderness College was full of survival tips and tricks! Campers were able to start their own fires, build their own shelters, and even use their deer ears! The staff at Alderleaf went over plant identification, navigation skills, and how to respect nature and all that lives within it.
Day 2
Today, the campers had a lesson on stewardship! We all went down towards the waterfront and worked really hard to help new plants grow! Ask your camper about the blackberries they picked, too!
Day 1
Today, we kicked off camp with an early trip to the waterfront. The campers were thankful for the bit of shade this morning and we were all able to swim, skip rocks, and lounge on the grass. Curriculum for the day included outdoor cooking, and nature notebooks. Ask your campers about their popcorn making and writing they did today!